Christian Sermons category: 1375 books

by Paul C. Jong
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 14, 2013

El Evangelio de Marcos atestigua que Jesucristo es el Hijo de Dios y Dios mismo. Y también da testimonio de que es nuestro Salvador. Entonces, podemos ver al escritor del Evangelio de Marcos soportando el testimonio de Jesús contundentemente, atestiguando que ÉL es Dios mismo y nuestro Salvador....
Cover of El TABERNÁCULO: Un Retrato Detallado de Jesucristo (I)
by Paul C. Jong
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 15, 2013

¿Cómo podemos encontrar la verdad escondida en el Tabernáculo? Solo conociendo el evangelio del agua y el Espíritu, la sustancia real del Tabernáculo, podremos entender correctamente y conocer la respuesta a esta pregunta. De hecho, los hilos azul, púrpura y escarlata, así como el fino lino...
Cover of La justicia de Dios es Revelada en Romanos - Nuestro Señor Quien Llego a Ser la Justicia de Dios (I)
by Paul C. Jong
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 15, 2013

¡El evangelio del Agua y del Espíritu es la justicia de Dios! Las palabras de este libro saciarán la sed de tu corazón. Los Cristianos de la actualidad continúan viviendo sin conocer la verdadera solución para los pecados actuales, que están cometiendo diariamente. ¿Sabes lo que es...
Cover of Predigten über das Evangelium nach Johannes (I) - Die Liebe Gottes offenbart durch Jesus, den eingeborenen Sohn ( I )
by Paul C. Jong
Language: German
Release Date: April 18, 2014

Die Liebe Gottes offenbart durch Jesus Christus Es steht geschrieben: "Niemand hat Gott je gesehen; der Eingeborene, der Gott ist und in des Vaters Schoß ist, der hat ihn uns verkündigt" (Johannes 1:18). Wie perfekt tat Jesus die Liebe Gottes uns offenbaren! Wie perfekt tat Jesus...
Cover of The Zondervan 2019 Pastor's Annual

The Zondervan 2019 Pastor's Annual

An Idea and Resource Book

by T. T. Crabtree
Language: English
Release Date: July 24, 2018

Countless preachers have turned to the Zondervan Pastor's Annual to save them time in sermon and service preparation. This tried-and-true resource makes your demanding job as a pastor a lot easier. Use its contents as is, or tailor it to fit your unique approach. The Zondervan 2019 Pastor's...
Cover of The Zondervan 2020 Pastor's Annual

The Zondervan 2020 Pastor's Annual

An Idea and Resource Book

by T. T. Crabtree
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2019

Countless preachers have turned to the Zondervan Pastor's Annual to save them time in sermon and service preparation. This tried-and-true resource makes your demanding job as a pastor a lot easier. Use its contents as is, or tailor it to fit your unique approach. The Zondervan 2020 Pastor's...
Cover of A Sermon to Remember
by Wayne Hoss
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2015

This book was referred to by Al Remington as "A Phenomenal read!" and by many Facebook and Twitter users as "Awesome!" It is not just a book about religion, but a book about life and how best to live it as a good, honest individual. This book has true stories and examples on managing...
Cover of Der Heilige Geist und das Auto

Der Heilige Geist und das Auto

Mit Bischof Reinhold Stecher durch das Jahr

by Reinhold Stecher
Language: German
Release Date: August 24, 2015

Nicht umsonst hat Bischof Reinhold Stecher im Jahr 2010 in Bonn den ökumenischen Predigtpreis für sein Lebenswerk verliehen bekommen. Denn seine Predigten zeichnen sich durch theologischen Tiefgang aus. Sie atmen den Geist der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen und sind stets mit einer Portion Humor...
Cover of Der Glaube an das Glaubensbekenntnis der Apostel - Die elementaren Grundsätze von CHRISTUS
by Paul C. Jong
Language: German
Release Date: October 21, 2013

Für diejenigen von uns, die an Gott glauben, versorgen der Glaube und die Überzeugungen der Apostel uns mit wichtigen geistlichen Lehren. Ihr Glaube wurde zu einem geschätzten Schatz in unserem Herzen, denn sie glaubten an das Evangelium, das die Gerechtigkeit Gottes enthält. Deshalb müssen wir...
Cover of La Parola che non passa

La Parola che non passa

Edizione critica a cura di Pier Luigi Ferrari

by Primo Mazzolari
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 22, 2018

Don Primo Mazzolari ha raccolto in questo volume i commenti ai Vangeli domenicali di un intero anno liturgico. Si tratta di sapide omelie scritte nelle giornate turbinose della seconda guerra mondiale dal parroco di Bozzolo, una delle figure più limpide del clero italiano nella prima metà del ‘900....
Cover of Le Stelle in cammino

Le Stelle in cammino

Testi inediti. Prefazione di Alessandro Zaccuri. Introduzione di Carlo Santunione

by David Maria Turoldo, Alessandro Zaccuri
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 28, 2017

«L’amore, come passione, non ha un carattere determinato: nel superbo diventa esigente e tirannico, nel sensuale diventa bizzarro e incostante, nell’egoista diventa materiale e volgare, nel geloso diventa cupo e sospettoso, nel sensibile diventa timido e delicato». Nei primi anni Sessanta, David...
Cover of Cristo, nossa Páscoa
by Charles Spurgeon
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 14, 2016

Em Cristo, nossa Páscoa, Charles Haddon Spurgeon nos apresenta um texto simples, baseado na Bíblia, onde nos convida a entender o real significado da Páscoa. Um chamado ao verdadeiro sentido da Páscoa, em um texto dotado de fé e esperança, onde o leitor será levado a um despertar para a verdadeiro...
Cover of Le TABERNACLE (III): Une préfiguration de L’évangile de L’eau et de l’Esprit
by Paul C. Jong
Language: French
Release Date: May 14, 2015

Comment pouvons-nous découvrir la vérité cachée dans le Tabernacle ? C'est seulement en connaissant l'évangile de l'eau et de l'Esprit, la vraie substance du Tabernacle, que nous pouvons comprendre correctement et connaître la réponse à cette question.En fait, le fil bleu, pourpre, et écarlate...
Cover of Preaching to the Core
by Robert Morrin Jr
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2013

Preaching to the Core is a book about God’s design in the individual. It is well known that without the empowerment of the Spirit preachers can accomplish little. It is not well known just how empowerment transpires from the heart of God to the hearts of individuals.Most books on preaching...
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