China category: 3065 books

Cover of China's Revolutions in the Modern World

China's Revolutions in the Modern World

A Brief Interpretive History

by Rebecca E. Karl
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2020

A concise account of how revolutions made modern China and helped shape the modern world China’s emergence as a twenty-first-century global economic, cultural, and political power is often presented as a story of what Chinese leader Xi Jinping calls the nation’s “great rejuvenation,”...
Cover of The Man Who Loved China

The Man Who Loved China

The Fantastic Story of the Eccentric Scientist Who Unlocked the Mysteries of the Middle Kingdom

by Simon Winchester
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2009

In sumptuous and illuminating detail, Simon Winchester, the bestselling author of The Professor and the Madman ("Elegant and scrupulous"—New York Times Book Review) and Krakatoa ("A mesmerizing page-turner"—Time) brings to life the extraordinary story of Joseph Needham,...
Cover of Etiquette Guide to China

Etiquette Guide to China

Know the Rules that Make the Difference!

by Boye Lafayette De Mente
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2011

This essential guide to Chinese etiquette will make embarrassing social blunders a thing of the past! Whether you're traveling to China for business or pleasure, whether your stay will be long or short, your visit will be more pleasurable and effective if you understand your host culture and...
Cover of China Airborne
by James Fallows
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2012

More than two-thirds of the new airports under construction today are being built in China. Chinese airlines expect to triple their fleet size over the next decade and will account for the fastest-growing market for Boeing and Airbus. But the Chinese are determined to be more than customers. In 2011,...
Cover of Postcards from Tomorrow Square

Postcards from Tomorrow Square

Reports from China

by James Fallows
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2009

“Americans need not be hostile toward China's rise, but they should be wary about its eventual effects. The United States is the only nation with the scale and power to try to set the terms of its interaction with China rather than just succumb. So starting now, Americans need to consider the economic,...
Cover of The South China Sea

The South China Sea

The Struggle for Power in Asia

by Bill Hayton
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2014

China’s rise has upset the global balance of power, and the first place to feel the strain is Beijing’s back yard: the South China Sea. For decades tensions have smoldered in the region, but today the threat of a direct confrontation among superpowers grows ever more likely. This important book is...
Cover of China Road

China Road

A Journey into the Future of a Rising Power

by Rob Gifford
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2007

Route 312 is the Chinese Route 66. It flows three thousand miles from east to west, passing through the factory towns of the coastal areas, through the rural heart of China, then up into the Gobi Desert, where it merges with the Old Silk Road. The highway witnesses every part of the social and economic...
Cover of Etiquette Guide to China

Etiquette Guide to China

Know the Rules that Make the Difference!

by Boye Lafayette De Mente, Patrick Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2016

This essential guide to Chinese etiquette will make embarrassing social blunders a thing of the past! Whether you're traveling to China for business or pleasure, whether your stay will be long or short, your visit will be more pleasurable and effective if you understand your host culture and...
Cover of The Rejuvenation of Northeast China
by 范伟, 徐剑
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2018

Until the 1990s, Northeast China was the cradle of the new China’s industrial base that made the most historic contribution to China’s reform and opening-up program. However, as China’s modernizing reforms deepened, the Northeast’s economic development gradually began to lag behind China’s...
Cover of Lost on Planet China

Lost on Planet China

The Strange and True Story of One Man's Attempt to Understand the World's Most Mystifying Nation or How He Became Comfortable Eating Live Squid

by J. Maarten Troost
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2008

The bestselling author of The Sex Lives of Cannibals returns with a sharply observed, hilarious account of his adventures in China—a complex, fascinating country with enough dangers and delicacies to keep him, and readers, endlessly entertained. Maarten Troost has charmed legions of readers...
Cover of 解放的悲劇:中國革命史1945-1957



by 馮客(Frank Dikotter)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 20, 2018

◆歷史傳記暢銷作家張戎:這是一本必讀的書。 ◆少數民族、宗教團體、農民、藝術家、企業家、質疑各項政策的黨員……他們才是受到這場巨大災難影響的普通人,但他們的故事幾乎被歷史淹沒 《周日泰晤士報》年度歷史好書、入圍歐威爾獎 《觀察家報》、《華爾街日報》、《科克斯評論》、《出版人週刊》、《紐約書評》、《時代雜誌》、《衛報》、《金融時報》……推薦! 以人民視角書寫中國革命史的最新觀點!揭開毛澤東宣傳假面,還原中共建國真相! 人民發聲的歷史,是正史難以承載的生命重量。來自中國檔案館的大量證據,揭開黃金時代的恐怖真相! 中國共產黨將1949年的勝利稱作「解放」,看到這個詞,人們通常會聯想到興高采烈的群眾湧上街頭慶祝重獲自由的情景。然而在中國,「解放」和「革命」的故事卻與和平、自由及正義無關,而是充滿了精心策劃的恐怖和有組織的暴力。解放後,廣大中國人民面對的是「一座精心設計的奧許維茲思想集中營」。共產黨政權建立不到十年,已經無人敢反對毛主席。 首當其衝的是地主,共產黨在農村發動的土地改革,其實是黨和窮人之間的血腥交易、一場精心策劃的殺戮,導致兩百萬地主遭到清算。接著是鎮壓反革命的恐怖運動,目地是消滅所有黨的敵人,毛澤東甚至設定了殺人指標。為達成殺人指標,幹部們往往只是隨機挑選殺害對象,最後有將近兩百萬人遇害。然後是少數民族、宗教團體、農民、藝術家、企業家、工商業主、教師、學者,以及對各項政策提出質疑的黨員…… 《解放的悲劇:中國革命史1945-1957(當代中國史學家馮客三部曲)》的主角就是受到這場巨大災難影響的普通人。他們的故事大多被歷史所淹沒,因為官方的宣傳報導中只充斥著大量領導人的談話,而這些談話只是描述了一個他們想要建成的社會,最多只能算是設計藍圖,並不能反映社會現實,而且通常只提到工人和農民中的模範人物,找不到有血有肉的普通人。 當代中國史學家、《文化大革命:人民的歷史1962-1976》作者馮客擷取近年才得以公開的檔案資料。他所蒐集的數百份來自中國各檔案館、從未解密的檔案文件中,包括祕密警察的報告、未經篡改的高級領導人的演講、在思想改造運動中寫的悔過書、對農村反抗事件的調查報告、鎮反運動的詳細統計資料、工人工作條件的調查、普通人的上訪信件等內容。輔以各種回憶錄、信件和日記,以及親身經歷者的記述,勾勒出那些革命的主要參與者和受害者的真實故事。 那些早期的親歷者所留下的證詞,通常被同情共產黨政權的學者所忽視,但他們的描述如今恰可與檔案資料互相參證,對研究歷史的真相幫助很大。透過這群有血有肉的普通人的故事,讀者獲致前所未有的機會,得以穿透中共宣傳的表相,接櫫毛澤東政權下最慘烈的時代悲劇。 ※...
Cover of The Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom

The Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom

America and China, 1776 to the Present

by John Pomfret
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2016

A remarkable history of the two-centuries-old relationship between the United States and China, from the Revolutionary War to the present day From the clipper ships that ventured to Canton hauling cargos of American ginseng to swap Chinese tea, to the US warships facing off against China's...
Cover of 文化大革命:人民的歷史1962-1976



by 馮客(Frank Dikotter)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 30, 2016

這段歷史的焦點是人民! 文革爆發50週年,從人民視角重探文化大革命的真實歷史 當代中國史學家馮客經典力作──《文化大革命:人民的歷史1962-1976》 2016年《金融時報》最佳歷史類選書 檢視中國社會底層如何經歷了一場文革魔幻之旅 更重要的是,埋葬了毛澤東主義。 文化大革命不是一場群眾運動,是一個人在用槍桿子運動群眾──王榮芬 在共黨幹部、政府官僚、解放軍和紅衛兵的鬥獸場之外,還有一段真正屬於普通中國人民的文革史。普遍中國人民在十年文革浩劫中究竟遭遇到怎樣的衝擊?他們如何面對毛澤東一人由上而下發起的報復清算運動?如何自保、甚至從中尋求新的生存空間? 當革命猛力搖撼建國以來形成的種種基層集體組織和權力結構時,計畫經濟體系也意外地隨之崩潰,這是毛澤東始料未及的結果。 馮客的《文化大革命:人民的歷史1962-1976》,就是要描述這場中國無產階級文化大革命為何發生?如何演變?留下了什麼樣的創傷和遺產?本書是從中國基層人民角度,揭露1962至1976年間,他們所經驗過的文化大革命真相。這種從人民歷史角度出發的書寫,有異於過去的一般研究。本書資料來自數百份檔案庫中的文件,其中大多數在這本書是首度被使用,包含紅衛兵受害者的詳細狀況、政治肅清的數據、針對農村情況所做的調查、工廠和作坊的問卷報告、警方的黑市報告,甚至還有村民寫的投訴信,關於文革的回憶錄,自費出版的「自印書」(由基層黨員、甚至普通民眾執筆撰寫,提供了官方記載中看不到的視角)、訪談紀錄等。本書嘗試將「大歷史的敘述」與曾經身處這場人倫悲劇之中那些男男女女的「故事」連結在一起。從處在政權頂端的領導人物,直到偏僻地區的窮困村民,大家都面臨過極度艱難的考驗,而他們當時做出的不同選擇,顛覆了世人的印象──世人通常認為毛澤東時期最後十年裡的幾億中國人都具有相當高的同質性。事實上,他們所做的種種抉擇加總起來,最終將國家推向了一個與毛澤東設想中截然不同的方向:他們沒有打擊殘存的資產階級文化,而是推翻了計畫經濟,使黨的意識形態空洞化。 馮客在《文化大革命》書裡提出,史達林過世之後,毛澤東相信自己應該已經成為全世界社會主義的最高領導人,這是他所追求的歷史定位。為了證明這一點,毛澤東在1958年發動大躍進,結果引來一場慘痛的失敗,許多同志和老戰友都認為毛澤東必須負起最大責任。 毛澤東為此憤恨難平,經過幾年思考之後,他再度出手,於1966年發起了無產階級文化大革命。這是一場源於毛澤東個人積怨憤怒的政治運動,他號召年輕人挺身為他戰鬥,肅清沒有人知道何時開始潛伏在黨內的「走資派」、「修正主義分子」、「階級敵人」,而且讓紅衛兵的矛頭指向他想要報復的政敵。 但是他的政敵們並非束手無策,他們早已學得了分化、轉移的手段,讓紅衛兵們分裂成許多派系,為了爭執「誰才是人民公敵」而內鬥不休。毛澤東當然不能就此罷手,於是呼籲全體中國人都必須投身文革,將運動的規模擴大到前所未見的程度,鋪天蓋地而來,混亂程度幾近內戰。 1968年,以林彪為首的軍隊出面接管了這片大混亂,國家的權力卻同時由黨組織轉移到軍方手中。隨著林彪聲勢日益上升,毛澤東的猜忌心也日益增長,最終導致了林彪叛逃身亡事件。 文化大革命使黨組織和軍隊都受到了創傷,飽經苦難因而堅韌的基層人民卻逐漸發展出自己的應對方式,從集體組織的桎梏中掙脫出來,一點一滴地將計畫經濟埋入土中,為日後鄧小平的改革開放開啟了一扇大門。 ※國際媒體一致推薦 卓越的研究,敏銳地剖析了那個喧鬧而難以捉摸的時代,馮客承續了他出色的前作,為我們述說了一段恐怖而難以置信的苦難故事。 ──科克斯書評(Kirkus...
Cover of Modern China: All That Matters
by Jonathan Clements
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2013

In Modern China: All That Matters, Jonathan Clements presents China as the Chinese themselves see it. He explains the key issues of national reconstruction; the Cold War, the Cultural Revolution, and the dizzying spectacle of China's economic reform. Clements offers a Chinese perspective on such events...
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