Canning Preserving category: 502 books

Cover of 67 recipe of jam, french cooking, English version
by Pierre-Emmanuel Malissin
Language: French
Release Date: November 19, 2013

67 recipe of jam, french cooking, English version
Cover of Secrets of Some Wiltshire Housewives - A Book of Recipes Collected from the Members of Women's Institutes
by Various
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2018

“Secrets of Some Wiltshire Housewives” is a 1927 book of recipes collected from members of the Wiltshire Woman's Institute. From mushroom chutney to sloe gin, this fantastically-diverse assortment of recipes will appeal to all with a love of cooking, and they would make for worthy additions in...
Cover of A Prepper's Cookbook

A Prepper's Cookbook

Twenty Years of Cooking in the Woods

by Deborah D. Moore
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2016

In a survival situation, fictional or real, there are certain components that are necessary to consider that will insure getting to the other side. Regardless of the disaster, one must have food, water and shelter in order to live.  Taking that just a bit further, you must have food and...
Cover of Make Your Own

Make Your Own

Jams, Chutneys and Pickles

by Mary Ford
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2013

There is nothing more delicious than spreading your own home-made jam onto a hot slice of buttered toast, and nothing more satisfying than presenting someone with a jar of something you have made with your fair hand. Whether you want to do away with supermarket preservatives or try your hand at making...
Cover of Operational Rations of the Department of Defense (NATICK PAM 30-25) 9th Edition - MRE Meal Ready to Eat, Special Purpose Ration, History of Combat Feeding, Nutrition, Assault and Group Rations
by Progressive Management
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2014

This book highlights the entire family of fielded combat rations. Rations are categorized into one of four platforms: Individual Rations, Assault Rations, Group Rations, and Special Purpose Rations. Each ration is described by its purpose, major characteristics, nutritional data, and preparation requirements. The...
Cover of Fermented: A beginner's guide to making your own sourdough, yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi and more
by Charlotte Pike
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2019

Incorporate fermented foods into everyday eating with delicious recipes that are easily achievable at home. Chapters covering fruit and vegetables, milk, pulses, sourdough baking and drinks will introduce you to unique new flavours as well as traditional fermented vegetables such as German Sauerkraut...
Cover of Fix, Freeze, Feast Recipes Cookbook
by Princess Miller
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2014

This book has made dinners at your house so much easier. The recipes are simple and you can have several meals in the freezer in no time. It is really nice to thaw the entree in the fridge the night before and then pop it in the oven when you get home from work.
Cover of First You Grow the Pumpkin

First You Grow the Pumpkin

100 Cool Things to Make and Preserve

by Ginna Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2018

"First You Grow the Pumpkin" shares one woman's way of eating, feeding her family, being creative and preparing deliciousness from scratch. It is truly easier than you think. This is a collection of the many, varied and simple things you can make, grow, "put up" or concoct in your...
Cover of La dispensa verde

La dispensa verde

Idee green per conservare frutta e verdura fresche tutto l'anno

by Stefania Rossini
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 10, 2016

Da una super-esperta nel campo della cucina creativa e consapevole, dell’autoproduzione a 360° e della salute a tavola un manuale frutto di anni di ricerca e sperimentazione sui metodi di conservazione, con tante ricette sane, gustose, facili e divertenti. Sottoli, sottaceti, oli aromatizzati,...
Cover of The Concise Beginner's Guide to Curing Foods
by Stephen Bernhard
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2013

The concise Beginner's Guide to Curing Foods isn't a cookbook. Instead, author Stephen Bernhard helps the reader become comfortable with the basics of salting, brining, and smoking foods. Written to help the beginning charcutier (a person who typically uses these techniques) in understanding the basic...
Cover of Marmelade


Die beliebtesten Rezepte

Language: German
Release Date: July 23, 2014

Die 20 beliebtesten Rezepte mit Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen und brillanten Fotos laden zum Nachkochen und Genießen ein: Erdbeerkonfitüre Aprikosenmarmelade Apfel-Heidelbeer-Marmelade Kirschmarmelade mit Johannisbeeren Brombeer-Birnen-Marmelade Himbeerkonfitüre Erdbeer-Rhabarber-Marmelade Sanddorn-Orangen-Marmelade...
Cover of Geschenke aus der Küche

Geschenke aus der Küche

Unsere 100 besten Rezepte in einem Kochbuch

Language: German
Release Date: October 29, 2014

Geschenke, die von Herzen kommen Ob als Mitbringsel, kleine Aufmerksamkeit, Seelentröster oder Dankeschön: Selbstgemachtes aus der Küche ist immer etwas ganz Besonderes! Von süßen Verführern wie Plätzchen und Pralinen bis hin zu herrlichen Marmeladen, eingemachtem Obst und herzhaften Knabbereien...
Cover of Brunch


Unsere 100 besten Rezepte in einem Kochbuch

Language: German
Release Date: February 10, 2014

Schlemmen und plaudern vom Vormittag bis in den frühen Nachmittag - was gibt es Schöneres als einen ausgiebigen Brunch mit Familie und Freunden? Der langschläferfreundliche große Bruder des Frühstücks steht für Genuss und gemütliches Beisammensein gleichermaßen und kombiniert Frühstück...
Cover of Make-Ahead Meals: 23 Fast Make-Ahead Recipes + Freezer Meals
by Mildred Rose
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2017

At the pace we live life today, fast food sometimes takes the place of healthy home cooking. But by using your freezer, you can create and preserve a week’s worth of tasty dinners when you do have time. We offer you 23 make-ahead meal recipes for main courses and desserts that you can prepare...
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