Budgeting category: 896 books

Cover of Cost Accounting in Government

Cost Accounting in Government

Theory and Applications

Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2017

Managerial cost accounting is the financial and managerial tool that is used to estimate the organizational cost of products and services in business and government. In recent decades, cost accounting in the United States and other advanced industrial countries has been dominated by discussions of...
Cover of W I R E S The New Wealth Acquisition System: Practical Steps to Paying off your Debts
by Cornel Modric
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2017

W I R E S is a system out of my own experience of getting out of debt and achieving financial independence in a short period of time. Debts seems monumental until its paid off, here in this book contains an array of methods that will aid you immensely to leave debt and pursue in financial goals. This...
Cover of Con$umer Wi$e: Part 2
by Valerie Hockert, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2014

If only more of us had read these and followed the suggestions to be a wise shopper or consumer wise… perhaps we’d be better off today….These articles amazingly hold a lot of merit today.How to be money wise, save money, make wise purchases and more.If you like this, you will also like the first Consumer Wise.
Cover of Transpacific Rebalancing

Transpacific Rebalancing

Implications for Trade and Economic Growth

Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2015

Persistently large external imbalances in the world economy contributed to the outbreak of the recent financial crisis. The current account imbalances were particularly severe among the economies that border on the Pacific-the United States ran large deficits, with offsetting surpluses in East Asia....
Cover of Wedding Bliss on a Budget
by Ethan Baron
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2015

The big day need not cost big bucks. A sensible, affordable, quickly-planned wedding is possible. Journalist Ethan Baron guides couples on how to create a great event without a great budget. Save yourself money, time, and stress while you plan a beautiful, memorable ceremony. Make your wedding everything you want it to be on the budget you determine.
Cover of The Green Bottom Line

The Green Bottom Line

Environmental Accounting for Management: Current Practice and Future Trends

Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2017

To date, both internal and external corporate environmental reporting and management systems have focused on physical input–output measures. However, external stakeholders are increasingly demanding that organisations provide more financial information about the costs and benefits of their environmental...
Cover of Investire in Borsa piccole Somme e Guadagnare: La guida chiara e diretta per i neofiti e non del settore
by Antonio Trusso
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 4, 2017

Abbiamo concentrato in una piccola guida scritta senza troppi tecnicismi tutto quello che c'è da sapere per investire in borsa in completa autonomia anche piccole somme e guadagnare fin da subito. Consigliato a tutti e per chi si avvicina per la prima volta al settore: questo è il momento giusto,...
Cover of Come Investire 5000 Euro oggi

Come Investire 5000 Euro oggi

Sono abbastanza per l'inizio di una fortuna

by Antony T. Money
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 13, 2018

La crisi che imcombe sulle nostre tasche da parecchi anni e i bassi rendimenti offerti oggi da banche e uffici postali, come reagire? Dovremmo avere sempre il coraggio di osare. Solo se saremo intraprendenti, la vita potrà essere una continua innovazione. Spieghiamo senza troppi tecnicismi nè pericolose...
Cover of Abbattere inefficienze e costi di produzione. Un modello di eccellenza operativa e di simulazione
by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 9, 2014

Le aziende conoscono veramente i propri costi? E come si possono ridurre i costi senza compromettere lo sviluppo dell’azienda se non si conoscono in modo adeguato? Il volume illustra un caso concreto di best practice replicabile anche da parte di altre aziende.
Cover of Discount Shopping Express

Discount Shopping Express

Know How to Find Discount, Get Coupons, and Save Money Shopping Online and Offline

by KnowIt Express, Shelly Ross
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2016

Know How to Find Discount, Get Coupons, and Save Money Shopping Online and Offline Want to save money while shopping? Of course you do! Why? Because nobody likes to find their wallet or purse flat-out empty from all the joy or necessity of shopping...nor suffer the consequence of endlessly...
Cover of Lots Of Ways to Pay Off Your Debts

Lots Of Ways to Pay Off Your Debts

Get A Choice Of Debt Solutions For All Your Debt Problems With This Comprehensive Debt Guide That Can Help You Come Up With An Effective Way To Get Out Of Debt Fast!

by Annette D. Smith
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2012

“For every problem, there is a solution.” Well, that saying goes with debt problems too! Debt problems have debt solutions, no matter if they are short term debts, long term debts, unsecured or secured debts, etc. There are lots of ways to pay off debts. The key is to find the right...
Cover of Der Finanzwesir - Was Sie über Vermögensaufbau wirklich wissen müssen. Intelligent Geld anlegen und finanzielle Freiheit erlangen mit ETF und Index-Fonds

Der Finanzwesir - Was Sie über Vermögensaufbau wirklich wissen müssen. Intelligent Geld anlegen und finanzielle Freiheit erlangen mit ETF und Index-Fonds

- Wie sie sich auch als Börsen-Anfänger einfach und unkomplizert mit Exchange Traded Funds eine solide Altersvorsorge aufbauen

by Albert Warnecke
Language: German
Release Date: December 7, 2016

Sie wollen wissen, wie Sie Ihr Geld anlegen sollen, um sich eine sichere und rentable Altersvorsorge aufzubauen, mit der Sie Ihren Lebensstandard halten können? Sie wollen einen "Leitfaden", der Ihnen erklärt, wie Sie als Aktien-Anfänger in 10 bis 20 Jahren ein (kleines) Vermögen aufbauen?...
Cover of Der Verfuegungsmachtbegriff bei Umsatzrealisation und Leasingvertraegen nach IFRS
by Serpin Caliskan
Language: German
Release Date: October 9, 2015

Die Autorin analysiert den Verfügungsmachtbegriff und dessen Eignung als Realisationsmerkmal in der Umsatzrealisierung und Leasingbilanzierung nach IFRS. Bisher zeichneten heterogene Konzepte und Regelungslücken die Umsatzrealisierung nach IFRS und US-GAAP aus. Im Rahmen des Konvergenzprojektes...
Cover of Durchblick bei Immobilienfinanzierung
by Michael J. Hartmann
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2012

Die Finanzierung einer Immobilie ist für viele die größte Investition in ihrem Leben - da sollte nichts schief gehen. Deswegen bietet dieser Ratgeber den Durchblick bei allen Aspekten rund um die Finanzierung. Dieser Ratgeber klärt auf: über Hypothekenkredite, Sondertilgung, Anschlußkredit, die...
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