Body category: 8017 books

Cover of The Life & Times of Isadora
by Lorri Payton
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2014

Isadora has come to teach unconditional love, and help others plug into the magick which is in each and every human being. She is born in ancient Egypt and immediately taken to be raised in the palace temple. Her core group will be the pharaoh, the oracle, high priest and high council members. Her powers...
Cover of Meher Baba's Breaking of His Silence and Manifestation

Meher Baba's Breaking of His Silence and Manifestation

A Theory About Living in His Manifestation

by R. William Davies
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2018

On January 31, 1969, Meher Baba dropped his physical body. We have recently passed the fiftieth anniversary of that event occurring. There are two significant Avataric responsibilities that were to be set in motion based on Baba leaving our physical presence. First, while still living, Meher Baba...
Cover of Crystal Reiki

Crystal Reiki

A Handbook for Healing Mind, Body, and Soul

by Krista N. Mitchell
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2019

Two popular practices—crystal and energy healing—in one great, expert handbook!   Krista Mitchell (Change Your Energy) is a master at crystal healing, and with Crystal Reiki, she has created a handbook for practitioners both amateur and professional. This hot new technique combines crystal layouts...
Cover of Fall of 'Man' Death of God in the Garden: the Human Body
by Dogov Spring
Language: English
Release Date: August 12, 2018

The meaning of life revolves around independence, morality and freedom. We come across ideas or ideologies, some primitive and others sophisticated, throughout our lives. When we hand over our name to join any ideology the ideology becomes our morality or gravity and the morality takes our independence...
Cover of The Soul of Mankind

The Soul of Mankind

Part 1 and Part 2

by Reginald Noel
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2018

What the Bible says About the Human Soul’ discusses core concepts of the human soul, spirit and body, answering questions and examining them in the light of the Bible. The main message of this book is that Jesus came in the FLESH to die that souls who accept Him, would be with Him in Heaven. This...
Cover of Tus siete centros de energía

Tus siete centros de energía

Una perspectiva holística sobre la vitalidad física, emocional y espiritual

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Patricia R. Spadaro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 1, 2015

There’s more to you than meets the eye. Your Seven Energy Centers contains powerful insights and tools for wholeness based on the science of the body’s subtle energy system. It draws from the wisdom of the world’s spiritual traditions to show how you can nurture your soul through seven stages of...
Cover of Look!: Babies Head to Toe
by Robie H. Harris
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2019

An adorable book introducing the youngest readers to the names of their body parts, from head to toe!   Look! Babies Head to Toe is an exuberant introduction to the parts of the body and the senses. Filled with fun, repetitive sounds and a melodic voice, this book will captivate babies and toddlers....
Cover of When the Inner Eye Opened - A Journal
by Christophe Allain
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2014

“I learned to meditate at a yoga class. Since I only sleep on my stomach and can never fall asleep on my back, I would lie in bed and meditate until midnight every night. This went on for six months—until something incredible happened. There was an explosion, and I felt like I’d been hooked up...
Cover of Invitation Into Greatness

Invitation Into Greatness

Adventures In Spiritual Healing

by Barbara Spargo
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2014

Ms. Spargo invites the reader into expanded consciousness through the stories of her healing room experiences. The accounts vividly describe how our unconscious minds set up our diseases, and that there are gifts from what we term “illness.” She dramatically shows how the wounded spirit communicates...
Cover of 用人生阅读易经(簡體)
by 刘哲雄
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 15, 2009

  《易经》在华夏经典中,居于群经之首,主导融会儒释道思想,是中华民族第一部以先民符号纪录生活万象,系以简约文字阐明人生智能、生活方向,这一代的华夏子孙,传承中华文化,《易经》是必不可缺的首要经典。  作者刘哲雄老师从事《易经》教学十余年,目前于高雄小区大学讲授《易经》。刘老师从义理入手,打破过去以《易经》为风水占卜命相的窠臼,重新赋予经典时代新生命。刘老师过去曾从事建设公司的经营,具有企业管理和实务的经验,因此跳脱传统讲学的风格,重塑以生活经验为主轴、人生问题为标的的解说方式;后来投身易经的推广教学,并尝试解读「探索在现代生活中,易经与人的关系」,将十多年习易的心得整理著书立说,作为人与历史的交流,回应中国哲学中天人合一间最圆满的互动。  天行书苑立居21世纪,以现代数字方法建立经典平台,制作发行电子书籍,藉由现代观点阐释华夏传统经典,注入现代活水。去年天行书苑为刘哲雄老师耗时四年余的易经上经「用易经阅读人生」制作编辑,2012年迎向龙年,刘哲雄老师的下经「用人生阅读易经」大作历经艰辛,终告完稿,写作经纬依然循着易经义理深入解析,尤重大象传的道德警示,从卦天行健君子以自强不息,到卦君子以慎辨物居方,在在感受到作者谆谆教诲与鼓舞人心的敦厚心意。每一章节辅以佛法经义,透过修行的真实体验,引导读者进入易经64卦,384爻所刻划一爻一世界,一卦一宇宙的美丽纪元。var...
Cover of 高岛断易(簡體)
by 高島吞象
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 15, 2009

  本书之作者高岛吞象为日本知名的易占学者,生于公元1832年之日本江户京桥,年幼熟读中国的四书五经,成年后在横滨开设物产店,生意兴隆,嗣因违规与外国人通商,被捕入狱,狱中七年专注研读易经,玩象推占,深有体悟,出狱后,继续经商,但改变经营方针,开设大型旅馆,因而结识政界人士,时值日本明治时代,朝野社会进行重大改革,国内外发生经济、外交、社会等巨大冲击,高岛关注国事,屡献计策,蒙日本政府采纳,影响深远,天皇感念高岛之贡献,首次赐赏平民高岛嘉右卫门,并亲访高岛家,引发各界瞩目与尊崇。  明治九年(公元1876年)高岛正式退休,专志于易学的研究与著述,提出许多著名的易占解释,同步登载于日本报刊,并于明治十九年完成《高岛断易》巨着,书中深刻解释易经全文,并于每一卦每一爻列举实际占卦之卦象、解说及事后验证实况,卦象之特色为单爻爻变,同时叙述卦象反映之现实状况,举凡中日甲午战争、普法战争、外交谈判,至名人显贵之仕途机运,问战征、营商、功名、家宅、疾病、婚嫁、生育,易占精妙神准,日人尊为「易圣」,其唯一著作《高岛断易》以各国多种文字流传于世,深受易学界激赏与重视。var...
Cover of 易经圆外解卦(簡體)
by 天行书苑
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 15, 2009

  易经是中国结合文字与符号的传统经典,在世界文明的神秘符号中,中国易经是唯一由历代先圣贤哲诠释而具有哲理,指引人生方向的典籍。远古时代在混沌蒙昧中,古人无法解决生活难题,透过结绳纪事,以占筮获得阴、阳爻交错形成的卦象,验证生活实际发生的历程,加以纪录分类,透过大数法则整理为民族集体生活经验与符号链接,并历经周文王、周公、孔子等古圣先贤淬炼易经哲思,以文字解析阐述,成为华夏重要经典的依据。  天行书苑敬凛于易经义理的深邃与天人相应的通达,于二年前藉由《天地之心解卦平台》,以国内、外真人实境生活发生的事件,从事业、感情、身体健康、整体运势各层面之问题,持续进行数字占卦,多达上千则占例,从中选取对于现代生活具有高度参考价值的卦例,委请研究易经长达十余年的圆外老师详细解说,并经事后实际验证,委由易兰儿执笔,综合易学名家见解,编辑汇整,辅以易经64卦的卦、爻辞精要解释,于各卦列举相关占卦实例,针对卦象解说卦辞,及卦象出现的动爻爻辞,分析易经设定的条件,假设启动爻动机制将可能发生的后果及变化,给予占问者生活的取舍、人生的抉择,期使透过易经卦例客观地阐释卦爻辞,彖传的事理解析,暨佐以大象传道德劝勉,作为易学同道的参酌与易学研究的基础,以激发现代世人对于易经的兴趣及易理的文化传递。var...
Cover of 人生變化球(簡體)
by 刘哲雄
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 15, 2009

  刘哲雄老师自从完成《用易经阅读人生》、《用人生阅读易经》的电子书及实体书之后,继续钻研易经,白天从职场汲取实务经验,体验印证易经64卦384爻所解析描述的人生百态,晚间及假日奔波在南台湾小区大学与讲堂讲授易经,另于教学生涯的空档择期禅修,甚至前往马来西亚短期出家,体证佛陀的教示,孜孜不倦地透过佛法经义结合易经义理,寻找生活种种考验与难关的解决及解脱之道。  从2011至2015年持续五年的笔耕,刘哲雄老师透过易经课程中师生的对话,天南地北无所不谈,探讨亲子关系、职场退休、生存死亡、禅修内观、危机管理、变局适应等人生面相,一篇篇文稿或在课堂中师生灵犀相通撞击思想的火花,或驱车奔驰在高速公路上捕捉心灵的吉光片羽,更多的生活验证是在台南的老树下自然之旅、高雄的农场土地上实际耕作,及禅修中心的内心观照修行,所实践凝炼的易经哲思天理,刘哲雄老师认真地生活,无私地分享实践易理的心得,更提笔为文剖析易经如何提供智慧的建议与殷切的叮咛,文稿完成后定期发表在天行书苑网站的经典讲堂,深入人心,感动无数读者网友,如今集结成册,命名为《人生变化球》,期使人们在人生一场场赛局中,做好接应变化球挥棒出击的准备,以行动易经完成自我实现。var...
Cover of 人生變化球(繁體)
by 劉哲雄
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 15, 2009

  劉哲雄老師自從完成《用易經閱讀人生》、《用人生閱讀易經》的電子書及實體書之後,繼續鑽研易經,白天從職場汲取實務經驗,體驗印證易經64卦384爻所解析描述的人生百態,晚間及假日奔波在南台灣社區大學與講堂講授易經,另於教學生涯的空檔擇期禪修,甚至前往馬來西亞短期出家,體證佛陀的教示,孜孜不倦地透過佛法經義結合易經義理,尋找生活種種考驗與難關的解決及解脫之道。  從2011至2015年持續五年的筆耕,劉哲雄老師透過易經課程中師生的對話,天南地北無所不談,探討親子關係、職場退休、生存死亡、禪修內觀、危機管理、變局適應等人生面相,一篇篇文稿或在課堂中師生靈犀相通撞擊思想的火花,或驅車奔馳在高速公路上捕捉心靈的吉光片羽,更多的生活驗證是在台南的老樹下自然之旅、高雄的農場土地上實際耕作,及禪修中心的內心觀照修行,所實踐凝鍊的易經哲思天理,劉哲雄老師認真地生活,無私地分享實踐易理的心得,更提筆為文剖析易經如何提供智慧的建議與殷切的叮嚀,文稿完成後定期發表在天行書苑網站的經典講堂,深入人心,感動無數讀者網友,如今集結成冊,命名為《人生變化球》,期使人們在人生一場場賽局中,做好接應變化球揮棒出擊的準備,以行動易經完成自我實現。var...
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