Alternative Holistic Medicine category: 2492 books

Cover of La Spilla del Farmacista
by Gabriele Daddo Carcano Farmalibri
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 11, 2013

La Spilla del Farmacista è come un trattato di scienza, filosofia e mitologia messe insieme, custodisce i principi fondamentali di un’antica arte di salute. Nel mortaio di una Farmacia Olistica abbiamo miscelato gli elementi fondamentali dello stare bene anche grazie all’arte del Tai Ji Quan...
Cover of Current Research in Acupuncture
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2012

Written by over 60 scientists and clincicians from the United States, mainland China, Germany, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Portugal and Hong Kong, Current Research in Acupuncture discusses recent advances in acupuncture research in a modern scientific language. The first 5 chapters investigate the basic...
Cover of La voie du silence
by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Language: French
Release Date: March 20, 2012

« Combien on se trompe en pensant que le silence est nécessairement le désert, le vide, l’absence de toute activité, de toute création, en un mot le néant ! En réalité, il y a silence et silence, et d’une façon générale on peut dire qu’il en existe deux sortes : celui de la mort et...
Cover of Die Alraune - Pflanze der Liebe, Pflanze des Todes
by Dr. Angela Fetzner
Language: German
Release Date: May 7, 2017

Kaum eine andere Pflanze ist seit der Antike mit so vielen Mythen und Sagen verwoben wie die Alraune. Faszinierend und unheimlich zugleich. Verehrt und verteufelt. Aphrodisiakum und Omen des Todes. Heilmittel und Giftdroge. Glücksbringer und Unheilbote. Aus Sperma geboren und doch die Pflanze des...
Cover of Forty Years of Sacred Space

Forty Years of Sacred Space

Life Lessons from a Doctor's Notebook

by Dr. Patrick Donovan
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2013

After forty-three years in the sacred space of caring for patients, Dr. Donovan shares his observations and thoughts about illness and healing. He believes illness serves us by acting as lifes transformative process. As such, the journey through our illness may be precisely the very experiential journey...
Cover of Lead with your Heart

Lead with your Heart

A Doctor’s Rx for Personal & Professional Success

by Farzanna Haffizulla, MD, FACP
Language: English
Release Date: July 9, 2012

American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) President Dr. Farzanna Haffizulla’s guide for achieving success in every area of your life: Personal, Professional, Social, Humanitarian,and Spiritual. “Your life purpose may appear in your visions or dreams,” writes Farzanna Haffizulla, MD FACP, “but...
Cover of How To Live Forever
by Barry Burnett
Language: English
Release Date: February 8, 2011

Meet David Black, a young family doc whose solo practice has spectacularly tanked. So has his marriage; the two are not unrelated. His best friend, Oz, wants him to reinvent himself, offering their fellow Boulderites everything they need to live forever (or at least long enough for Oz to profit and...


Le mental est conscience, mais avec des limitations. À l'origine, nous sommes illimités et parfaits

by Julia Tunariu
Language: French
Release Date: November 15, 2012

INTRODUCTION Être est désirable, parce quidentique à la Beauté et la Beauté est aimée parce quelle est lÊtre. Nous possédons nous-mêmes la Beauté lorsque nous sommes fidèles à notre Être; la laideur consiste à passer à un autre ordre.PlotinPendant des millénaires,...
Cover of Biologia quantica

Biologia quantica

Viaggio ai confini della guarigione

by Simona Grossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 30, 2017

Le scoperte degli ultimi decenni della fisica quantistica stanno cambiando, seppur lentamente, il modo di vedere la realtà, facendo vacillare la tradizionale visione meccanicistica e materialistica che dal Seicento a oggi ha dominato in ogni ambito del sapere. In campo biologico e medico-scientifico...
Cover of Reiki - Heilen durch Handauflegen
by Angela Raab
Language: German
Release Date: October 5, 2017

Reiki ist eine Form des Handauflegens, die auf körperlicher, seelischer und geistiger Ebene wirkt. Reiki ist in den letzten Jahren immer beliebter geworden, da es leicht erlernbar ist, dabei aber hoch wirkungsvoll in allen Lebensbereichen eingesetzt werden kann. Bei Reiki geht es in erster Linie...
Cover of Règles d'or pour la vie quotidienne
by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Language: French
Release Date: March 20, 2012

« Habituez-vous à considérer votre vie quotidienne avec les actes que vous êtes obligés d’accomplir, les événements qui se présentent à vous, les êtres avec lesquels vous devez vivre ou que vous rencontrez, comme une matière sur laquelle vous devez travailler pour la transformer. Ne vous...
Cover of Anatomia della Coscienza Quantica

Anatomia della Coscienza Quantica

La fisica dell'auto-guarigione

by Erica Francesca Poli
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 15, 2016

Attivare le risorse di auto-guarigione insite in noi attraverso un salto quantico di coscienza. Il libro è un viaggio affascinante nella nuova medicina quantistica tra antica saggezza e scoperte scientifiche d’avanguardia. La lettura, ricca di dati per la mente razionale e di casi ed esperienze...
Cover of Irgendwann kommt nie

Irgendwann kommt nie

Entscheidung zur Lebendigkeit

by Georg Wögerbauer, Hans Wögerbauer
Language: German
Release Date: August 24, 2015

Die Ärzte-Brüder Hans und Georg Wögerbauer beflügeln mit ihren Geschichten und Gedichten die Seele und zeigen Wege, aus eingefahrenen Lebensmodellen, erstarrten Beziehungen, Erschöpfung oder Einsamkeit auszusteigen. So wird es möglich, lange Ersehntem nachzuspüren, Neues zu wagen und zu mehr Zufriedenheit...
by Diana Yedid
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 2, 2016

La medicina è un tema universale. Io ho scoperto in prima persona quanto sia importante prendersi cura di sé, rimettere a fuoco se stessi, la malattia è come una sfocatura. Un buon medico permette di ritrovarsi, di parlare con se stessi e con il proprio corpo. (Gigliola Cinquetti) In questo Libro...
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