Yoga category: 1489 books

Cover of How and Why of Yoga and Meditation: Yoga Scientifically Explained
by Dr.King
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2015

This book gives a clear insight into various aspects of Yoga, while providing scientifically backed explanation about how various Yoga processes achieve their intended purposes and why they are designed that way. Such clarity is essential to understand Yoga in a more scientific manner and to realize...
Cover of One Percent Yoga: How to Practise Yoga Every Day
by Scott Rennie
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2014

Do you want to create a daily Yoga practice? Having difficulty fitting such commitment into your busy schedule? Never quite seem to manage to keep it going?With clear instruction and links to online videos, One Percent Yoga will help you overcome the usual pitfalls of a busy life and quickly...
Cover of Yogasana and Pranayam: -
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2015

The book explains elaborately the basic concept of Yoga, its origin, philosophy and aim, and also the relevance of Yoga in the present world. In fact, Yoga has an answer for every possible ailment/disease that affects the human race, including some of the deadly ones too, such as Cancer, AIDS, etc. Initially,...
Cover of Yoga For Beginners

Yoga For Beginners

Learn How to Use Yoga For Fitness and Health

by Thrive Living Library, Midwest Journal Press
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2015

There are a lot of people who are crazy about yoga. The reason why most people do yoga is that it makes them feel better and in shape. The different poses and postures make their body healthy. Yoga for most is the best way to relax and unwind. If you want to keep your body in shape, this might be...
Cover of The Yoga Adventure for Children

The Yoga Adventure for Children

Playing, Dancing, Moving, Breathing, Relaxing

by Helen Purperhart
Language: English
Release Date: June 4, 2007

The Yoga Adventure for Children is an illustrated manual for teachers at primary schools and yoga teachers who wish to create children's classes. Featuring 80 drawings of poses, the book playfully acquaints children with yoga stretches and postures and the philosophy behind the practice. Blending...
Cover of Yoga For Better Health
by Acharya Bhagwan Dev
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2015

Yoga for Better Health' provides you the guidance and makes your learning easy about Yoga. It enables you to practice the exercises to suit your body, especially 'Pranayam', 'Meditation' and 'Hasya Yoga', thus enjoy a healthy life. You are truly healthy when you are not just physically fit but also...
Cover of Yoga para iniciantes
by Edições Lebooks
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 2, 2014

Yoga é um conjunto de conhecimentos de mais de 5.000 anos. Yoga significa harmonizar o corpo com a mente e a respiração, através de técnicas de respiração (pranayamas), posturas (ásanas) e meditação. Este ebook foi criado para esclarecer as dúvidas e desmistificar a Yoga, mostrando que...
Cover of Yoga-Anatomie 3D

Yoga-Anatomie 3D

Vinyasa Flow und Standhaltungen

by Ray Long
Language: German
Release Date: November 14, 2014

Nach den erfolgreichen Büchern von Ray Long, 'Yoga-Anatomie 3D: Die wichtigsten Muskeln' und 'Yoga-Anatomie 3D: Die Haltungen', gibt es nun 4 weitere Bände, die sich allen Asanas widmen. Die Bände sind Yoga-Stil-übergreifend und funktionieren nach dem Baukastenprinzip. Jeder Band rückt eine Gruppe...
Cover of Yoga-Anatomie 3D

Yoga-Anatomie 3D

Rückbeugen und Drehhaltungen

by Ray Long
Language: German
Release Date: November 14, 2014

Nach den erfolgreichen Büchern von Ray Long, 'Yoga-Anatomie 3D: Die wichtigsten Muskeln' und 'Yoga-Anatomie 3D: Die Haltungen', gibt es nun 4 weitere Bände, die sich allen Asanas widmen. Die Bände sind Yoga-Stil-übergreifend und funktionieren nach dem Baukastenprinzip. Jeder Band rückt eine Gruppe...
Cover of Yoga-Anatomie


Ihr Begleiter durch die Asanas, Bewegungen und Atemtechniken

by Leslie Kaminoff, Amy Matthews
Language: German
Release Date: September 6, 2013

Im Yoga vereinigen sich innere Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit mit einem starken, flexiblen Körper. Die Positionen oder Asanas kräftigen die Muskeln, entspannen den Geist und stärken die Konzentrationsfähigkeit. Aber was genau passiert eigentlich bei den verschiedenen Übungen im Körper? Der anerkannte...
Cover of Dein Yoga, dein Leben

Dein Yoga, dein Leben

Übungen, Meditationen, Rezepte

by Tara Stiles
Language: German
Release Date: February 25, 2015

Tara Stiles unterrichtet Yoga nach dem Prinzip: kein Stress, mehr Spaß. In ihrem neuen Buch kombiniert sie drei Bausteine, die zu einem glücklichen und strahlenden Leben führen: Yoga, Meditation und gesunde Ernährung. Die Yoga-Rebellin schreibt nichts vor, sie inspiriert. Ihre wichtigste Botschaft...
Cover of Yin yoga

Yin yoga

La via gentile verso il proprio centro interiore Con 46 esercizi dolci e rilassanti

by Stefanie Arend
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 25, 2017

Lo Yin Yoga è la chiave per aumentare l’agilità e completare la pratica dello yoga. I tipi di yoga popolari e tradizionali, come l’Ashtanga Yoga, hanno un orientamento perlopiù yang e si concentrano prevalentemente sulla muscolatura. Al contrario, lo Yin Yoga agisce sui tessuti connettivi profondi,...
Cover of Yoga-Anatomie 3D

Yoga-Anatomie 3D

Hüftöffner und Vorbeugen

by Ray Long
Language: German
Release Date: November 14, 2014

Nach den erfolgreichen Büchern von Ray Long, 'Yoga-Anatomie 3D: Die wichtigsten Muskeln' und 'Yoga-Anatomie 3D: Die Haltungen', gibt es nun 4 weitere Bände, die sich allen Asanas widmen. Die Bände sind Yoga-Stil-übergreifend und funktionieren nach dem Baukastenprinzip. Jeder Band rückt eine Gruppe...
Cover of Yoga-Faszientraining


Mit umfangreichem Übungskatalog und dem Fasziengruß

by Katharina Brinkmann
Language: German
Release Date: February 15, 2016

Unser Bindegewebe, auch Faszien genannt, ist ein feines Netzwerk, das unsere Muskeln und Organe umschließt und unseren Körper stabilisiert. Wer fit, beweglich und schmerzfrei durchs Leben gehen will, sollte etwas für seine Faszien tun, denn diese verfilzen und verkleben mit zunehmendem Alter bei...
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