Remodeling category: 376 books

Cover of When Disaster Strikes: Insights on the Home Insurance Claims Process
by Ursula Todd
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2014

When Disaster Strikes: Insights on the Home Insurance Claims Process provides concise, unbiased information in one place for anyone starting a large home insurance claim. Navigating the insurance claims process is daunting and you don't know what you don't know. When Disaster Strikes: Insights...
Cover of Building a Garage

Building a Garage

A Complete Guide

by Laurie Williamson
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2014

Building a Garage is a practical, step-by-step guide which covers all aspects of the build from the planning and design stage through to construction and completion. Whether you would like to build a garage yourself or employ a builder, whether you want to construct a double or a single garage, whether...
Cover of Are They Whom They Say They Are ...Or Something Else?! Series No. 5 [PHDMUSA]
by RB Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: April 14, 2017

Well? ... ... Are they? Are the contractors who are competing for work in, on, or around your home whom they say they are ... ... or something else?These days, it is a lot more difficult to distinguish between allies and predators for your special home maintenance and improvement projects....
Cover of Country Cottage Conservation

Country Cottage Conservation

A Guide to Maintenance and Repair

by Bevis Claxton
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2014

Country Cottage Conservation is essential reading for everyone who loves rural cottages. From simple DIY redecoration to employing architects and builders to tackle significant repairs, this book is full of helpful information. The author explains how cottage owners are able to protect and enhance...
Cover of The Tao of Declutter: 5-minute Home and Office Tasks to Cut Through the Chaos and Obtain Peace of Mind
by Missy Catwell
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2016

The Tao of Declutter 5-minute Home and Office Tasks to Cut Through the Chaos and Obtain Peace of Mind Our brains crave organization and yet our hands love to create chaos! We ourselves are left with the great challenge of cleaning, tidying up and organizing everything. Let's be real:...
Cover of 一輩子的家!這樣裝修最簡單:簡裝修大翻新!不必打掉重練,一次基礎裝修居家隨你改造
by 朱俞君
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 23, 2017

我的家問題好多、好難住,難道只能打掉重練嗎? 《一開始就不用收!家的最後一堂空間收納課》暢銷作者朱俞君 再度公開執業多年經驗總結的:簡單裝修術! 把裝修變成最簡單的選擇題! 風格3選1∣建材4選1∣牆設計3選1∣櫃搭配4選1 換屋8次,親身實驗,收納空間設計師朱俞君最知道: □放下裝修參考書,才能替家找到自己的樣子! □只要3種風格的輕裝修,家就可以住一輩子 □暖光好?白光好!燈光選配牆色是決定關鍵 □隱收納、開放收納、美型收納,規畫大不同! □家具百搭選購法!窗簾燈光選這樣挑不後悔! 裝修焦慮症,退散! 這是一本要讓你,跟著做就OK的超實用全齡裝修書! 因為好用所以愛用,設計師直接幫你挑建材、配廚具、選家具、搭燈具 【本書特色】 ◆超安心!3大易裝修、好維護、超實用的風格居家 ◆最全面!全齡居家裝修,從風格、收納到年齡層需求,一次告訴你! ◆抓重點!12個關鍵原則,讓你明白裝修可以很簡單 ◆很好收!收納法則大剖析!美型收納、隱收納、展示型收納! ◆超讚嘆!「失能住宅」實例,擺脫好格局壞習慣,7~10天搶救你的家 ◆最詳細!家的風格規畫細部拆解,家具家飾如何搭,廚房浴室怎麼做。 ◆跟著挑!燈具、家具、窗簾達人也來教!選擇不用多家就可以有亮點。 【不必打掉重練,簡裝修大翻新!】 只要一款天、地、壁,怎麼改如何搭都有型! 家是來服務你的,不是讓你去遷就它! 如何讓家成為一起經歷不同生命歷程的伙伴? 如何用最少的力氣、最大的效果,打造一個現在好住,以後也好住的空間? 設計師朱俞君透過大量空間設計的的試驗與系統化的實作,發現「簡裝修」是一帖解方,透過系統化的思考與操作,只要做一次基礎打底,做好天、地、壁,再透過活動家具家飾、系統櫃等易調整、好變更的裝配,這樣的概念,就像是把家具、櫃體當作可抽換式的設備,之後再跟書中所提供的「打蛇七寸的關鍵設計」,就可以使整個家呈現一體感、實用感、就連精緻度都能完美掌握。 【7~10天,搶救失能宅】 裝修不複雜,你的生活就不複雜! 不相信嗎?作者朱俞君在書中搶救了兩戶「失能住宅」,透過有效率的SOP事前規畫,明確的居家空間診斷,僅僅用了7~10天就用翻新了一個家,復活被住壞的好屋,也完全扭轉了屋主的人生! 「好格局,壞習慣」所造成的居家失能與混亂,其實都來自於屋主不知該如何維護、收納,以及不了解動線配置和生活運作彼此間的緊密關係,而讓原本條件不錯的住宅,變得困擾屋主生活的大麻煩。透過設計師朱俞君的記錄與剖析,讓讀者可以從其中的建議與實例,得到最務實可行的思考與做法,替自己打造一個舒適好用的「高功能居家」。 【專業居家達人教你選】 家具、燈具、窗簾,是家的美感鐵三角。 越簡單的家越是好住!在建材的運用上也是同理,看設計師如何只使用幾款通用建材,就能為不同風格的家打底,此外,針對燈具、家具、窗簾這三項家的亮點元素,特別邀訪與設計師長期合作的居家專業達人,讓他們來告訴屋主,家的照明、家具挑選,窗簾選配的不可不知的眉角。 只要基礎裝修好了,照著書中做選擇題,自己就可以隨著人生階段變換三種風格,安心住一輩子! 【一輩子的家,這三種風格最好用!】 北歐樂活風、簡約輕美式、療癒木質風,呼應人生時間軸上的不同需求,設計師朱俞君特別挑選出最適合台灣人生活模式的三種住家風格選擇,最能滿足不同年齡層、不同生命階段生活需求的風格裝修。 有趣的是,這三種風格雖風格各異,彼此卻可以互通、共用的元素,日後若想改裝,只需小小動作,卻能享有大大的改變。生命情境會改變、家人會成長衰老,房子當然也要跟著人生的時間軸線同步調整。替此刻的家,未來的家,預留一個可以更換變動的彈性,等於也替自己省去了不少麻煩。 在實際的案例中,特別以設計師本人的新家為例,同時也透過不同居家空間,告訴你北歐、輕美式、木質風的重點規畫,以及如何透過收納、家具家飾、廚房浴室空間的簡單選配,簡單裝修你的家。 作者簡介 朱俞君 寬...
Cover of Ten mistakes to avoid when renovating your Kitchen
by Richard Burey
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2016

Ten points you need to think carefully about when deciding to renovate your Kitchen, the hub of the home.
Cover of Norma Vally's Bathroom Fix-Ups

Norma Vally's Bathroom Fix-Ups

More than 50 Projects for Every Skill Level

by Norma Vally
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2009

Today more women are tending to their homes, and they're not just sewing curtains and arranging flowers. They're installing new toilets, adding ceramic floors to the kitchen, and drywalling the den. A survey by Home Depot found that 73 percent of women would like to learn more about tackling...
Cover of Ebook Supplier for First Time Home Buyer
by Nataisha Hill
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2017

Buying a New Home is Exciting, but Involves Research... Are you ready to purchase your home, but don't know where to start? Are you confused about interest rates, foreclosures, or mortgage brokers? Help is here. This e-book will guide you in the right direction for purchasing your home, or buying homes to sale.
Cover of Staying Power: Age-Proof Your Home for Comfort, Safety and Style
by Rachel Adelson, M.A.
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2013

Boost your staying power!  This lively new handbook helps families face the challenges of aging by empowering people to make their homes safer, more comfortable and livable, by themselves or with help from friends, family members and professionals. It's "sensible, useful, comprehensive...
Cover of George Clarke's Home Bible: Extensions
by George Clarke
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2015

The ROOM BY ROOM series is a set of short essential guides to transform your house into your ideal home. Each one is full of top tips and golden rules from award-winning architect and TV home-improvement guru George Clarke. From designing layouts, budgeting and lighting advice, through to storage...
Cover of Trailersteading: How to Find, Buy, Retrofit, and Live Large in a Mobile Home
by Anna Hess
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2016

**All the advantages of a tiny house at a fraction of the cost! ** Imagine what you could do with your time if you didn't have to spend $16,000 a year on rent or a mortgage. Old single-wide mobile homes can often be found for free (and installed for a couple of thousand dollars) in rural areas,...
Cover of Muratura Riparazioni

Muratura Riparazioni

pareti - spigoli - piastrelle - pavimenti - crepe - terrazzi - tetti

by Valerio Poggi
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 10, 2018

Sono numerosissime le situazioni in cui la casa necessita di un intervento sulle strutture murarie. Si tratta in genere di piccole riparazioni che conviene saper fare da soli: crepe nel muro, piastrelle rotte da sostituire, intonaci che si staccano, spigoli rotti o sbrecciati, massetti da reintegrare,...
Cover of Der perfekte Haushalt: Putzen

Der perfekte Haushalt: Putzen

Die wichtigsten Haushaltstipps für eine saubere Wohnung

by Ulrike Lowis
Language: German
Release Date: February 18, 2014

Sie haben Ihren Haushalt eigentlich gut im Griff, wünschen sich aber für bestimmte Bereiche noch ein paar Tipps und Tricks? Putzen ist für Sie überhaupt kein Problem, aber Sie möchten wissen, wie Sie das am schnellsten und umweltschonendsten tun können? Sie wollen Ihren Putzplan noch effizienter...
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