Plants category: 1045 books

Cover of Planning & Planting a Moon Garden

Planning & Planting a Moon Garden

Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletin A-234

by Marcella Shaffer
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2001

With today's schedules, few people are able to enjoy their gardens during prime daylight hours. But there is a way you can delight in the fragrance and beauty of flowers after dark: Plant a night-blooming garden! Also known as moon gardens, night-blooming gardens are expressly designed for evening...
Cover of Growing Bamboo For Beginners
by Errol Flynn
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2012

This book covers several topics including: - Climate, Sunlight, Wind, Soil, & Spacing - Winter Timing - Outdoors Planting Method - Care and Maintenance of Bamboo - Rhizome Barrier Installation Method and much more! Scroll up... and click on "Buy Now" to deliver almost instantly to your Kobo or other reading device.
Cover of Hydroponics For Beginners: How To Start Urban Gardening With Hydroponics
by Michael Stones
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2016

How To Start Urban Gardening using Hydroponics Discover how to start hydroponics as a beginner and how to do the best hydroponics from scratch!
You are about to discover proven strategies on how to start the hydroponics system and how to yield the best results! This book contains only...
Cover of Ocean Greens

Ocean Greens

Explore the World of Edible Seaweed and Sea Vegetables: A Way of Eating for Your Health and the Planet's

by Lisette Kreischer, Marcel Schuttelaar, North Sea Farm
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2016

A 2017 IACP Award Finalist A beautifully photographed, innovative guide to edible seaweed and sea vegetables with vegan recipes—for your health and the planet’s   “One of the world’s most sustainable and nutritious crops,” according to The New Yorker, “seaweed could be a miracle...
Cover of Plant Biotechnology and Genetics

Plant Biotechnology and Genetics

Principles, Techniques, and Applications

Language: English
Release Date: February 29, 2016

Focused on basics and processes, this textbook teaches plant biology and agriculture applications with summary and discussion questions in each chapter. Updates each chapter to reflect advances / changes since the first edition, for example: new biotechnology tools and advances, genomics and...
Cover of Bonsai: Tips and Tricks
by Nancie Jones
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2013

Bonsai is a beautiful miniature tree that comes from China and can be used for interior decoration because it looks amazing. In this book you will find everything you need to know about bonsai tree. The book will help you with any question regarding planting, watering, taking care of this beautiful...
Cover of Bonsai Superbook:

Bonsai Superbook:

Tips, Growing Techniques and More

by Suzan Baker
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2014

Bonsai first appeared in China over a thousand years ago on a very basic scale, known as pun-sai, where it was the practice of growing single specimen trees in pots.   These early specimens displayed sparse foliage and rugged, gnarled trunks which often looked like animals, dragons...
Cover of Bonsai


The Beginners Guide

by Bonsai Empire
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2018

How often do I need to water my Bonsai tree?  Should I prune my tree? Although caring for a Bonsai tree is not nearly as difficult as most people believe, you need to learn about some basic techniques in order to keep your tree thriving. Our beginners guide contains all the essential information...
Cover of 幻奇植物園
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 23, 2017

好似前所未聞,卻又好像曾經聽說,原來它們真實存在! 不只是人有各種個性,原來植物也是啊! 以有趣的故事與插圖,為您介紹世上各種植物不為人知的一面, 獻給所有喜愛植物,以及對植物感興趣的人。 來自日本當紅「植物獵人」西畠清順的暖心禮物! ◎****最夢幻的植物: 世界第二像臀部的多肉植物、自殺棕櫚、引發史上第一次泡沫經濟事件的球根、自己成了個溫室的高山植物、讓山羊一天交尾百次的春藥…… ◎****最不可思議的故事: 由植物獵人從所邂逅的成千上萬種植物中,精選出六十種想介紹給大家認識的有趣植物。它們不為人知的一面,透露著許多你從未想像過的奇特畫面。 ◎****最美好的訊息: 植物跟我們果然是一起生活在地球上的夥伴啊。 植物獵人的職業興起於十七世紀的英國,他們遠渡重洋找尋供王公貴族觀賞、作為藥材等用途的植物。 現代的植物獵人西畠清順也是,不論醒著還是睡覺時,滿腦子都只有在想著植物的事情。2011年3月接受電視節目《情熱大陸》專訪後,一躍成為日本全國性的話題人物。 身為開業於幕末時期,擁有150年歷史的園藝批發商第五代傳人,西畠清順自小卻對於植物毫無興趣。21歲那年他開始浪跡各國,在婆羅洲的京那巴魯山上遇到了世界最大的食蟲植物「豬籠草」,大受震撼的他自此徹底改變了人生觀與世界觀,開始對植物深深著迷,成為了超級熱血、為植物完全奉獻的植物獵人。他遊歷日本各地、數十個國家,一年經手植物進出口量達260公噸,本身收集高達數千種植物,並受到來自國內外多家企業、團體、行政機關、專業園藝業者的委託,於各地推行各種企劃活動,引起熱烈迴響。 其中最具代表性的企劃案,當屬讓311東日本大地震發生一年後的春天,為了祈願災後復興順利,收集來自日本全國47都道府縣的櫻花在同一天綻放的「Sakura...
Cover of Tiny House: 8 Creative Ways You Can Improve Your Tiny House Living and Design the Perfect Tiny Home of Your Dreams
by Athena Morrow
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2017

Do you constantly suffer from stomach problems and you cannot lose your belly fat regardless of how hard you try? Perhaps the intake of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which you desperately try to reduce, is not the reason for this, but the imbalance in your gastrointestinal system. A balanced and...
Cover of House Keeping Pest Control
by Kanchan Kabra
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2014

House Keeping Pest Control by Kanchan Kabra Pest control is a very important area of house keeping, it is very tricky and difficult some times but with simple tips in mind we can make it to be easy to handle and hassle free. This book if kept handy will help you to do so.
Cover of The Naturescaping Workbook

The Naturescaping Workbook

A Step-by-Step Guide for Bringing Nature to Your Backyard

by Beth O'Donnell Young, Karen Bussolini
Language: English
Release Date: January 24, 2012

“This step-by-step guide will teach you how to work in concert with nature, creating a lush landscape.” —Cabin Life If you’re an eco-conscious homeowner, the best garden designer is Mother Nature, and following her lead can result in a beautiful low-maintenance landscape that requires...
Cover of A Gardener's Handbook of Plant Names

A Gardener's Handbook of Plant Names

Their Meanings and Origins

by A. W. Smith
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2013

First compact dictionary to combine definitions of botanical names in general usage with information on their derivation and guides to pronunciation. A monumental index provides a cross-reference from some 1,800 common plant names to corresponding botanical ones. Combines thoroughness, botanical rigor, and interesting facts and lore — all leavened with touches of humor.
Cover of How to Grow Marijuana : Outdoors - A Step-by-Step Beginners Guide to Growing Top-Quality Weed Outdoors
by Tom Whistler
Language: English
Release Date: April 14, 2018

This book contains a step-by-step guide on how to grow top-quality weed outdoors. Growing weed indoors has been a practice in the past decades. With weed being accepted by the mainstream market however, it is now possible for us, with the proper permits, to grow it in our backyards. With this...
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