Painting category: 1000 books

Cover of Artist Toolbox: Color

Artist Toolbox: Color

A practical guide to color and its uses in art

by Maury Aaseng, Glover, Mollica
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2017

Artist Toolbox: Color explains how color captures mood and helps communicate meaning, as well as how to use color to create personal, expressive works of art. In Artist Toolbox: Color, painters will learn how to create impactful work with an understanding of basic color theory. Topics include...
Cover of L'impressionismo
by Passerino Editore
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 6, 2018

 Il movimento artistico nato in Francia, a Parigi, nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento, diventato famoso in tutto il mondo.  I mini-ebook di Passerino Editore sono guide agili, essenziali e complete, per orientarsi nella storia del mondo.
Cover of Another Brush with God

Another Brush with God

Further Conversations about Icons

by Peter Pearson
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2009

This is the sequel to the author’s previous work, A Brush with God, for advanced beginners, intermediate, and advanced iconographers. It presents greater detail and instructions for creating entirely new icons. One major feature of the new book is the full-page sketches that artists can photocopy...
Cover of Bonnie Scotland (Illustrations)
by Ascott Robert Hope Moncrieff, Sutton Palmer
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2015

The author does not attempt elaborate word-pictures, that would seem pale beside the artist’s colouring. His design has been, as accompaniment to these beautiful landscapes, an outline of Scotland’s salient features, with glimpses at its history, national character, and customs, and at the literature...
Cover of Gotische Kunst
by Victoria Charles, Klaus Carl
Language: German
Release Date: May 10, 2014

Die Kunst der Gotik findet ihre Wurzeln in der kraftvollen Architektur der Kathedralen Nordfrankreichs. Es handelt sich um eine mittelalterliche Kunstbewegung, die sich in Europa über mehr als 200 Jahre erstreckte. Die Architekten wandten sich von den runden Formen der Romanischen Kunst ab und begannen,...
Cover of Byzantinische Kunst
by Charles Bayet
Language: German
Release Date: May 10, 2014

Über ein Jahrtausend lang, von seiner Gründung im Jahre 330 n. Chr. bis zu seinem Untergang im Jahre 1453, war das Byzantinische Reich eine Wiege von künstlerischem Überfluss, die erst jetzt wiederentdeckt wird. Ausgestattet mit dem reichen Erbe der römischen, östlichen und christlichen Kulturen,...
Cover of Effetto notte. Sant'Agata risanata

Effetto notte. Sant'Agata risanata

Due dipinti di Lanfranco a confronto

by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 4, 2016

La Fondazione Paola Droghetti ha dedicato il nono volume della sua collana INTERVENTI d'Arte sull'Arte al restauro del dipinto di Giovanni Lanfranco, conservato nella Galleria Corsini di Roma, che ha come tema "Sant'Agata risanata in carcere". Il restauro è stato un'occasione propizia per approfondire...
Cover of Home Staging : 100 astuces et idées pour réussir. Vendre plus cher, louer mieux.
by Les Editions du Faré
Language: French
Release Date: February 27, 2017

Le Home Staging est une tendance venue des Etats-Unis et qui consiste à valoriser son appartement ou sa maison par un ensemble d’astuces et de bonnes pratiques, avant de le vendre ou de le louer. Et le tout à frais réduits. Ce livre réunit les 100 meilleurs conseils et astuces pratiques...
Cover of Pittura intuitiva

Pittura intuitiva

Di che colore siamo dentro - Manuale pratico

by Livia Cuman
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 18, 2014

È un libro per tutti, grandi e piccini, che fa scoprire attraverso l’intuizione e il dipingere le proprie abilità. Puoi creare da subito e questo dà una grande soddisfazione e un grande senso di pienezza fino ad arrivare a dire: “sono capace anch’io”. Frase che poi spontaneamente viene...
Cover of Imparo a disegnare

Imparo a disegnare

Corso professionale completo per aspiranti artisti

by Barrington Barber
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 9, 2015

Un percorso di apprendimento per chi desidera imparare a disegnare bene, indipendentemente dalle capacità di partenza: gli unici requisiti richiesti sono l’impegno, la costanza e la voglia di farcela. Le metodologie classiche del disegno sono spiegate con un linguaggio discorsivo ricco di consigli...
Cover of Un proiettile al cuore
by Antropoetico
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 16, 2017

"La pittura rappresenta emozione e quindi vita" Trattasi della raccolta di alcuni dei quadri più significativi realizzati da Antropoetico dal 2014 al 2017. Buona visione.
Cover of Histoire de l'art du collage
by Pierre Jean Varet
Language: French
Release Date: January 7, 2015

Inventé par un poète sous le règne de Louis XIV, redécouvert par des peintres à l'aube du XXème siècle, l'art du collage est une réalité historique. Pratique populaire séculaire, l'art du collage à pris son essor avec les peintres cubistes (dont Picasso et Braque) dans les années 1912,...
Cover of Romanesque Art
by Victoria Charles, Klaus Carl
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2016

In art history, the term ‘Romanesque art’ distinguishes the period between the beginning of the 11th and the end of the 12th century. This era showed a great diversity of regional schools each with their own unique style. In architecture as well as in sculpture, Romanesque art is marked by raw...
Cover of You Can Take Better Pictures In One Hour: Sunlight Shooting
by Robert Kerner
Language: English
Release Date: August 18, 2014

Cameras and direct sunlight do not work well together. Direct sunlight is the hardest lighting situation to take pictures in because you have no control of it and very few options to try to modify it. This book teaches and demonstrates how to get the best pictures possible shooting in direct sunlight...
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