Holistic Medicine category: 2492 books

Cover of Ayurveda


La medicina dell’armonia tra l’uomo e l’universo

by Ernesto Iannaccone
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 3, 2016

L’antico sistema dell’Ayurveda ci insegna a vivere in armonia con quanto ci circonda attraverso uno stile di vita più consapevole ed equilibrato, nel rispetto di noi stessi, oltre che del nostro pianeta e delle creature che lo popolano. L’autore compie dapprima una disamina impietosa della...
Cover of L'accompagnamento del paziente oncologico

L'accompagnamento del paziente oncologico

Il ruolo del medicinale omeopatico

by Jean-Philippe Wagner, Michele Boiron, François Roux
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 16, 2015

I trattamenti antitumorali comportano numerosi effetti collaterali e i pazienti si rivolgono sempre più alle terapie di supporto per migliorare la propria qualità di vita. L’omeopatia figura al primo posto tra le medicine complementari utilizzate. Poter consigliare o prescrivere un trattamento...
Cover of Schüßler-Salze - Spuren im Gesicht

Schüßler-Salze - Spuren im Gesicht

Antlitzbetrachtung und Therapie mit biochemischen Salzen

by Martina Räke
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2013

Die preisgünstige und nebenwirkungsfreie Therapie mit Mineralsalzen erfreut sich heute, über 130 Jahre nach ihrer Entwicklung durch Dr. Schüßler, immer noch zunehmender Beliebtheit. Der Ausgleich von Mangelzuständen im Körper durch die Schüßler-Salze hilft nicht nur bei akuten Erkrankungen, sondern...
Cover of Die Mistel - Eine Heilpflanze für die Krankheiten unserer Zeit

Die Mistel - Eine Heilpflanze für die Krankheiten unserer Zeit

Mythologie, Botanik, Signaturen, Pharmazie, Naturheilkunde, Onkologie

by Olaf Rippe, Christian Rätsch, Ruth Mandera
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2013

Auf Bäumen wachsend, fasziniert die Mistel den Menschen seit Jahrtausenden. Sie ist als Pflanze in vielerlei Hinsicht einzigartig. Sie galt schon im Altertum als Allheilmittel. Und in der Tat: keine andere Pflanze bietet ein derart breites therapeutisches Spektrum, angefangen von Nervenleiden, über...
Cover of Stoffwechselstörung KPU/HPU: Die 101 wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten
by Sascha Kauffmann, Kyra Hoffmann
Language: German
Release Date: January 26, 2015

Die Kryptopyrrolurie (KPU) und Hämopyrrollaktamurie (HPU) sind zwei häufige, aber wenig bekannte Stoffwechselstörungen, die mit vielen Erkrankungen und Befindlichkeitsstörungen in Verbindung gebracht werden, wie Depressionen, Angststörungen, Schilddrüsenerkrankungen, Erschöpfungen / Chronic...
Cover of Chinesische Zungendiagnostik
by Heping Yuan
Language: German
Release Date: November 9, 2009

Das Buch bietet Ihnen 100 Zungenbefunde mit Fotos – Beschreibung und Auslegung des Befundes übersichtlich auf einer Seite. Differenzialdiagnostische Überlegungen zu jedem Zungenbefund Erklärung des Befundes nach den Kriterien der TCM und die entsprechenden westlich-medizinischen Diagnosen Wichtige...
Cover of Medicina umanistica

Medicina umanistica

Autorealizzazione, salute ed evoluzione attraverso la floriterapia di Bach. Guida ai principi, alla metodologia e alla clinica

by Paolo Montenero, Michele Iannelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 6, 2013

Edward Bach fu un medico gallese, antesignano dei moderni concetti di salutogenesi, di “empowerment”, di auto guarigione e della necessità di utilizzare la vita e la malattia come un’occasione di espansione della consapevolezza. Tutta la sua esistenza e la sua ricerca testimoniano la straordinaria...
Cover of Modern Medicine for Modern Times: The Functional Medicine Handbook to Prevent and Treat Diseases at their Root Cause
by Adonis Maiquez, M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2015

The practice of Medicine has changed dramatically over the last few hundred years. From its rudimentary beginnings, to a very detailed understanding of the human body functioning and anatomy, our current knowledge of the human being has never been so profound. Not only the medical sciences have evolved,...
Cover of Shadow Medicine

Shadow Medicine

The Placebo in Conventional and Alternative Therapies

by John Haller , Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2014

Can Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) find common ground? A distinguished historian of medicine, John S. Haller Jr., explores the epistemological foundations of EBM and the challenges these conceptual tools present for both conventional and alternative...
Cover of Treatment of Infertility with Chinese Medicine E-Book
by Jane Lyttleton, BSc (Hons) (NZ) MPhil (UK) Dip TCM (Aus) Cert Acup (China) Cert Herbal Med (China)
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2013

The second edition of this popular text systematically addresses all aspects of treatment of infertility using Chinese medicine. Clinically focused and with a new easy-to-navigate design, the book begins by covering all the essential fundamentals you will need to understand and treat infertility,...
Cover of Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

Volume 1: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

by Charlie Changli Xue, Chuanjian Lu
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2016

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine: Vol. 1 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease provides a "whole evidence" analysis of the Chinese medicine management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Evidence from the classical Chinese medicine literature, contemporary clinical literature,...
Cover of Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

Volume 2: Psoriasis Vulgaris

by Charlie Changli Xue, Chuanjian Lu, Claire Shuiqing Zhang;Jingjie Yu
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2016

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine: Volume 2: Psoriasis Vulgaris provides a "whole evidence" analysis of the Chinese medicine management of psoriasis vulgaris. Evidence from the classical Chinese medicine literature, contemporary clinical literature, and the outcomes of clinical trials...
Cover of Neither Donkey nor Horse

Neither Donkey nor Horse

Medicine in the Struggle over China's Modernity

by Sean Hsiang-lin Lei
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2014

Neither Donkey nor Horse tells the story of how Chinese medicine was transformed from the antithesis of modernity in the early twentieth century into a potent symbol of and vehicle for China’s exploration of its own modernity half a century later. Instead of viewing this transition as derivative...
Cover of Energy Medicine - E-Book

Energy Medicine - E-Book

The Scientific Basis

by James L. Oschman
Language: English
Release Date: September 4, 2015

See how energy therapies can normalize physiology and restore your patients’ health! Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, 2nd Edition provides a deeper understanding of energy and energy flow in the human body. Using well-established scientific research, this book documents the presence of energy...
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