Good category: 530 books

Cover of De l’Ordre
by Augustin d’Hippone
Language: French
Release Date: November 17, 2018

De l’Ordre est une oeuvre du théologien et philosophe chrétien romain Augustin d’Hippone, dit Saint Augustin (354 – 430). Cet ouvrage s'intègre dans la partie de son œuvre écrite pendant la retraite qu'il fit avec quelques compagnons et sa mère à Cassiciacum. Une des questions...
Cover of Heaven vs Reincarnation
by The Dharma
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2017

When humans first started to think about God, times were very tough, life was a bitter struggle and naturally people hoped and prayed for a super being to help them, comfort them. The dominant religions of today reflected that attitude, made God in the image of the most powerful man of those days,...
Cover of Quatrième centurie de Nostradamus décryptée

Quatrième centurie de Nostradamus décryptée

Traditions secrètes de l'occident

by Patrick Bouvier
Language: French
Release Date: August 15, 2017

La quatrième centurie est pour l’instant le seul texte contenant des dates. Le secret d'écriture de Nostradamus était sous les yeux de tous, son cryptage n’a pas été facile à découvrir. J’ai mis 38 années et un peu plus de cent mille heures de travail pour comprendre le langage...
Cover of The Political History of the Devil
by Daniel Defoe
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2016

Irreverent and ironic, this 1726 satire by the author of Robinson Crusoe examines the evolution of evil and the rise of the historical force known as "the devil." Daniel Defoe's passionate and perceptive survey starts with Satan's origins, chronicling the devil's presence in the Bible and...
Cover of "Voci dal passato". Testo di parapsicologia
by Bianca Fasano
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 28, 2014

Il testo di Bianca Fasano è stato pensato e scritto dall’autrice in un corpo unico, anche se nella sua prima elaborazione cartacea si è inteso sveltire la lettura con una pubblicazione in quattro volumetti. Esso segue una traiettoria disuguale tentando di recuperare, dall’apparente irrazionalità...
Cover of Ce ne dobbiamo andare
by Filippo Muneghina
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 8, 2015

Il libro è un mix di fantascienza, religione e politica con storie di vita vissuta che ha come protagonisti le avventure di due amici
Cover of Monolito
by Sceolades
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 21, 2017

Parole nate e cresciute nel fiume inconscio della depressione. Pensieri alle porte dell'abisso, lungo il confine tra i vivi e i morti. Emozioni latenti, momenti di sconforto, visioni mistiche, attimi di funerale in un intruglio emotivo capace d'incidere profondamente l'anima. Un atto dovuto, un gesto liberatorio di chi non è morto e nemmeno vivo.
Cover of Monsters and Angels: An Empath's Guide to Finding Peace in a Technologically Driven World Ripe with Toxic Monsters and Energy Draining Vampires
by Kevin Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2018

Every person on the planet is capable of being empathic and sensitive, to becoming an energy vampire or toxic monster. No one is exempt from displaying the darker sides of their ego. The easiest and most efficient way to spread any kind of energy is online. Every time you log onto the Internet, there...
Cover of Comments on Tyler Paytas' Essay (2019) "Divine Hiddenness as Kantian Theodicy"
by Razie Mah
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2019

Tyler Paytas publishes “Of Providence and Puppet Shows: Divine Hiddenness and Kantian Theology" in the journal, Faith and Philosophy, in 2019. The subtitle captures the essence of the work, which ties together two questions that typically come from the same person. If God is just and loving,...
Cover of Reflections and Contemplations
by Jean-Jacques de Chazal
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2014

Short writings dealing with a multitudes of issues, spiritual, personal and otherwise, all related to human consciousness.
Cover of Dio e il male: viaggio tra filosofie e religioni
by Roberto Marinaccio
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 21, 2014

L’uomo nel corso della sua vita matura delle certezze, tuttavia, alcune cose rimangono velate di domande e dubbi forse irrisolvibili. La stessa fede religiosa in Dio vacilla di fronte all’esperienza del male che adombra l’esistenza e fa scricchiolare ogni riferimenti al divino. Credenti in un...
Cover of The Liberty Threat

The Liberty Threat

The Attack on Religious Freedom in America Today

by James Tonkowich
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2014

What happened to liberty and justice for all? Americans are losing what are supposed to be constitutionally promised rights at an alarming pace. The Founding Fathers understood the overriding essentiality of religious practice unimpeded by governmental authority, but time and vast cultural change...
Cover of Defining God v2
by Damon Hyde
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2017

Who is God? What would the gods say if they could be interviewed? Who created Man? How powerful is Man's soul? Why did war break out in heaven over Man? What was Jesus' message? Who is Satan? Who are the Anunnaki? Who are the Cherubim? This book Defining God v2 steps through the door in...
Cover of Paradise: Escaping the Terror of History
by James J. George
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2018

Paradise: nostalgia for something lost in human antiquity, or a fantasy made by evolution to keep us going…could the answer lie in the history of the human race, in the story of your life, or possibly in another dimension? We all remember Paradise. We remember it as something lost, but also...
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