Feminist Criticism category: 436 books

Cover of Oesterreichische Literatur zwischen Moderne und Postmoderne

Oesterreichische Literatur zwischen Moderne und Postmoderne

Zweite, verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage

by Stefan H. Kaszynski
Language: German
Release Date: July 8, 2019

Das Buch ist ein Wegweiser durch die österreichische Literatur des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts. Der Autor nutzt als stoffordnendes Prinzip seine Theorie des österreichischen Kultur-Codes, um sinnstiftende Zusammenhänge zu bilden, die das Zusammenwachsen einer Literatur zeigen, welche aus vielen Kulturtraditionen...
Cover of The Gothic Family Romance

The Gothic Family Romance

Heterosexuality, Child Sacrifice, and the Anglo-Irish Colonial Order

by Margot Backus
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2012

Tales of child sacrifice, demon lovers, incestual relations, and returns from the dead are part of English and Irish gothic literature. Such recurring tropes are examined in this pioneering study by Margot Gayle Backus to show how Anglo-Irish gothic works written from the eighteenth through the twentieth...
Cover of Representing Mixed Race in Jamaica and England from the Abolition Era to the Present
by S. Salih
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2010

This study considers cultural representations of "brown" people in Jamaica and England alongside the determinations of race by statute from the Abolition era onwards. Through close readings of contemporary fictions and "histories," Salih probes the extent to which colonial ideologies...
Cover of Wiedergaenger, Pilger, Indianer

Wiedergaenger, Pilger, Indianer

Polen-Metonymien im langen 19. Jahrhundert

by Heinrich Kirschbaum
Language: German
Release Date: November 29, 2018

Die Beiträge des Bandes nehmen Rhetoriken von Ganzheit und Zersplitterung in den Blick, mit denen das geteilte und staatenlos gewordene Polen im langen 19. Jahrhundert imaginiert wird. Die entscheidende Rolle kommt dabei der Figur der Metonymie zu, die in der Forschung immer noch im Schatten ihrer...
Cover of Quando la lingua del Signore è di un genere diverso

Quando la lingua del Signore è di un genere diverso

“femminismo” e religione nella letteratura inglese tra XVII e XVIII secolo

by Sonia Maria Melchiorre
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 18, 2013

In cosa consiste una rivoluzione culturale? Le opere delle scrittrici presentate in questo volume – Mary Astell, Catherine Talbot, Hester Mulso Chapone e Sarah Robinson Scott – qui tradotte, in parte, per la prima volta in italiano, rispondono ad entrambe le domande: nulla può essere più rivoluzionario...
Cover of Raeume der Romania

Raeume der Romania

Beitraege zum 30. Forum Junge Romanistik

Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2016

Das Konzept des «Spatial Turn», in den 1980er Jahren durch Edward Soja geprägt, drückt das neue Bewusstsein aus, dass der Raum jeder Produktion von Wissen vorausgesetzt ist. Der vorliegende Sammelband knüpft an diese Bewegung von Wiederentdeckung und Aufwertung des Raumes an. Er bringt zum Vorschein,...
Cover of Women, Reading, Kroetsch

Women, Reading, Kroetsch

Telling the Difference

by Susan Rudy
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2010

Women, Reading, Kroetsch: Telling the Difference is a book of both practical and theoretical criticism. Some chapters are feminist deconstructive readings of a broad range of the writings of contemporary Canadian poet-critic-novelist Robert Kroetsch, from But We are Exiles to Completed Field Notes....
Cover of Improper Modernism

Improper Modernism

Djuna Barnes's Bewildering Corpus

by Daniela Caselli
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2016

In her compelling reexamination of Djuna Barnes's work, Daniela Caselli raises timely questions about Barnes, biography and feminist criticism, identity and authority, and modernist canon formation. Through close readings of Barnes's manuscripts, correspondence, critically acclaimed and little-known...
Cover of Pop-Feminist Narratives

Pop-Feminist Narratives

The Female Subject under Neoliberalism in North America, Britain, and Germany

by Emily Spiers
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2018

In Pop-Feminist Narratives, Emily Spiers explores the recent phenomenon of 'pop-feminism' and pop-feminist writing across North America, Britain, and Germany. Pop-feminism is characterised by its engagement with popular culture and consumerism; its preoccupation with sexuality and transgression in...
Cover of Future Texts

Future Texts

Subversive Performance and Feminist Bodies

Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2015

Future Texts: Subversive Performance and Feminist Bodies sketches several possibilities for future texts, those that imagine new pathways through the forms used to express contemporary questions of race, gender, and identity. Future Texts: Subversive Performance and Feminist Bodies’ area of investigation...
Cover of Fairy Tales, Myth, and Psychoanalytic Theory

Fairy Tales, Myth, and Psychoanalytic Theory

Feminism and Retelling the Tale

by Veronica L. Schanoes
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2016

At the same time that 1970s feminist psychoanalytic theorists like Jean Baker Miller and Nancy Chodorow were challenging earlier models that assumed the masculine psyche as the norm for human development and mental/emotional health, writers such as Anne Sexton, Olga Broumass, and Angela Carter were...
Cover of Wisdom's Feast

Wisdom's Feast

An Invitation to Feminist Interpretation of the Scriptures

by Barbara E. Reid O.P.
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2016

Woman Wisdom in Proverbs 9 invites any who want to learn her ways to come and eat at her table—an image for the rich and satisfying teaching that she offers. In this book Barbara Reid invites readers to this feast, drawing on women's wisdom to offer fresh new interpretations of biblical texts in...
Cover of Rumors from the Cauldron

Rumors from the Cauldron

Selected Essays, Reviews, and Reportage

by Valerie Miner
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2014

**An indispensable collection of essays reflecting on the historical and cultural relevance of feminist movements across the globe ** In these remarkably far-reaching writings, author and journalist Valerie Miner delivers a complex and engaging volume of essential reading. This book touches...
Cover of Unsettled Subjects

Unsettled Subjects

Restoring Feminist Politics to Poststructuralist Critique

by Susan Lurie
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2012

During the 1980s much of the work of feminist theory aimed to fully account for issues of class, race, and sexuality that previously had been overlooked. Susan Lurie argues that this work tended to privilege questions of race and class at the expense of gender, and frequently, if inadvertently, left...
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