Feminist Criticism category: 436 books

Cover of Gendered Masks of Liminality and Race

Gendered Masks of Liminality and Race

Black Female Tricksters Subversion of Hegemonic Discourse in African American Women Literature

by Yomna Saber
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2017

Shape shifters, purveyors of chaos, rules’ breakers, crude creatures and absurd figures, tricksters can be traced as recurrently transgressive figures that do not wither away with time. Tricksters rove and ramble in the pages of literature; the canon is replete with tricksters who throw dust in...
Cover of Obras - Coleccion de George Sand
by George Sand
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 22, 2015

La marquesa Las lavanderas nocturnas Las señoritas Los fuegos fatuos George Sand, seudónimo de Amandine Aurore Lucile Dupin, baronesa Dudevant (París, 1 de julio de 1804 - Nohant, 8 de junio de 1876), fue una escritora francesa.
Cover of Género, nación y literatura

Género, nación y literatura

Emilia Pardo Bazán en la literatura gallega y española

by Carmen Pereira-Muro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 15, 2012

Lugar de Emilia Pardo Bazán en la literatura española y gallega se ha ganado duro, y ella todavía no ha recibido el reconocimiento que se merece. En Género , Nación y literatura : Emilia Pardo Bazán en la literatura gallega y española , Carmen Pereira -Muro estudia la obra y personalidad de...
Cover of Retomando la palabra

Retomando la palabra

Las pioneras del XIX en diálogo con la crítica contemporánea.

Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 1, 2014

Una de las innovaciones que aportan los ensayos de este volumen radica en su acercamiento a la América Hispana en toda su heterogeneidad desde una perspectiva feminista como lente teórica, y subrayando el carácter pionero de las obras analizadas como constructoras de subjetividades y de teorías...
Cover of Los agravios de la letra

Los agravios de la letra

La letra colonial y la formación de la alteridad afro-andina [Siglos XVI, XVII y XIX]

by Jacqueline Álvarez-Ogbesor
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 5, 2016

Este estudio explora la representación de la población negra en tres diferentes textos correspondientes a Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia (Alto Perú a finales del periodo colonial). La naturaleza heterogénea de estos textos constituye la base y dirección de este trabajo; esta diversidad permite observar...
Cover of Textos de los «Lieder» de Richard Strauss
by Cristina Alfonso von Matuschka
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 28, 2017

Esta obra es una verdadera composición artística, que cuida el ritmo del lenguaje con un léxico erudito. Y si bien parte de un examen científico minucioso, el mundo interior y creativo de la autora traduce su prosa con dinámica ágil y atractivos ejemplos poético-musicales. Articula dos...
Cover of Modernism and the Architecture of Private Life
by Victoria Rosner
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2005

Modernism and the Architecture of Private Life offers a bold new assessment of the role of the domestic sphere in modernist literature, architecture, and design. Elegantly synthesizing modernist literature with architectural plans, room designs, and decorative art, Victoria Rosner's work explores...
Cover of The Entrenchment of the «unus alterum» Pattern

The Entrenchment of the «unus alterum» Pattern

Four Essays on Latin and Old Romance Reciprocal Constructions

by Mikolaj Nkollo
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2016

In this book, the author presents that although various Old Romance grammars can be traced back to the common Latin ancestor, the functional domain of reciprocity shows divergent paths of development. In this regard, each of the languages have worked up their unique solutions, with grammatical and semantic mechanisms underlying their diversity.
Cover of Comparative Becomings

Comparative Becomings

Studies in Transition

Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2017

The comparative gesture performs both the act and the question of transition between the terms compared. Understood as an intercultural practice, comparative literature may thus also be understood as both a transitive and a transnational process, creating its own object and form of knowledge as it...
Cover of The Language of Polish Modernism
by Ryszard Nycz
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2017

This book debunks the myth of Polish Modernist literature as rooted in rash, immediate expression. The author compares programmatic statements on language by turn-of-the-century writers such as Wacław Berent, Bolesław Leśmian, Stanisław Brzozowski or Karol Irzykowski with notions deduced from...
Cover of Jane Austen
by Virginia Woolf
Language: French
Release Date: April 26, 2017

OUVRAGE BILINGUE ! Lorsque l'une des plus grandes essayistes de son temps met en lumière son activité de critique au sein d'un ouvrage s'intéressant à des romanciers, des poètes, dramaturges et essayistes célèbres aussi bien qu'à des écrivains, diaristes ou biographes obscurs, voire...
Cover of Trois guinées

Trois guinées

Se refuser à l'impassibilité et lutter, ô dictateurs, pour l'avènement de la société des outsiders.

by Virginia Woolf
Language: French
Release Date: November 26, 2016

OUVRAGE BILINGUE ! Nouvelle traduction annotée pour ce texte fondamental qui sera l’avant-dernier publié par Virginia Woolf de son vivant. Certainement l’un de ses plus frontalement engagés. À partir d’une question adressée à une femme à l’aube de la Seconde Guerre mondiale...
Cover of Une chambre à soi

Une chambre à soi

De la nécessité pour toute femme de disposer d'une pièce à soi et de créer en toute liberté

by Virginia Woolf
Language: French
Release Date: November 26, 2016

OUVRAGE BILINGUE ! « J’aime souvent les femmes. J’aime leur anticonformisme. J’aime leur complétude. J’aime leur anonymat... » ​ Nouvelle traduction de l’essai qui bouleversa toute la condition féminine à l’échelle de son siècle, présentée et annotée par le traducteur Jean-Yves Cotté.
Cover of La schiavitù delle donne
by John Stuart Mill
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 18, 2015

L'oppressione delle donne è una delle poche reliquie rimaste dai tempi antichi, un insieme di pregiudizi che gravemente ostacola il progresso dell'umanità. La donna fa da complemento all'uomo e lo migliora. Deve essere considerata un valore aggiunto al seno di una famiglia e non un animale da dominare, da possedere, da sottomettere.
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