Decision Making category: 1513 books

Cover of Chanakya's Political Wisdom
by Pavan Choudary
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2017

It is indeed the best time to showcase the work of the Indian Machiavelli - Chanakya - for both the Indian and the Western world. Chanakya's Political Wisdom is particularly relevant because in the India of today, the circumstances are very similar to what they were when Chanakya was born - the country...
Cover of Monkey Business

Monkey Business

37 Better Business Practices Learned Through Monkeys

by Heather A. Wandell
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2012

Author Heather A. Wandell, after observing thousands of hours of human workplace behavior and hundreds of hours of monkey behavior, discovered there is a connection! In Monkey Business, she compares the monkeys behavior to the human behavior and offers unique business and personal life practices to...
Cover of Doomsday Book

Doomsday Book

Economic, social and political stories from 2012, a year of austerity in Britain

by Patrick Heenan
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2015

The 2008 financial crash continues to ravage Britain’s economy and push millions into austerity while many more faced a cost of living crisis. These were only some of the events that started a new year in Britain and as the bad news continued into the year,   the demise of the retail sector; thousands...
Cover of Why Is Engineering the Most Prestigious Profession Everywhere in the World, Except in the USA..
by Alla P. Gakuba
Language: English
Release Date: December 4, 2016

What is engineering? Everything around us that are man-made and not by nature is— engineering.  Engineers create national wealth and contribute to the development of civilization. Their examples are starting from ancient engineering marvels: the pyramids of Egypt, the Acropolis and Parthenon...
Cover of The Complete Bible of Nootropics and Cognitive Enhancers

The Complete Bible of Nootropics and Cognitive Enhancers

A mini encyclopedic guide to pharamcological and natural cognitive enhancers

by Mitchell Gilliland
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2017

So how did you end up here? Are you one of the individuals’ who saw the movie ‘Limitless’ and are trying to replicate the effects of the infamous NZT-45 – and are trying to quell your curiosity? Or maybe you’re one of the individuals who have recently been exposed, whether in the workplace,...
Cover of 決斷的演算:預測、分析與好決定的11堂邏輯課(暢銷紀念精裝版)
by 布萊恩‧克里斯汀, 湯姆‧葛瑞菲斯
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 27, 2019

**  為什麼電腦科學家說,賽局理論「奈許均衡」的地位言過其實,   現代投資組合理論也不是資產配置的好建議?**   亞馬遜書店「商務決策與問題解決類」、「電腦科學類」與「認知科學類」Top 1,   《麻省理工科技評論》選為年度最佳書籍,   各界讀者讚不絕口:「真是過癮!」 **  訪問近五十年來最知名演算法的設計者,   了解工程師如何教電腦發揮最大效用,並將所學用於生活。   讀者大推:「真是過癮!」**   「主動向機器學習」是人工智慧時代最核心、最有效的學習方法之一,在《決斷的演算》裡,各具心理學、統計學與電腦科學背景的兩位作者揭櫫:為何跟電腦學決策你不僅不會變成理性魔人,反而會更加明智且善體人意。   ▎說到演算法,你想到的是政府和大企業如何利用數學模型算計你?   其實,演算法的本質是「解決問題的一連串步驟」,它的發展遠遠早於電腦,不只長期為各研究領域與產業實務帶來重大變革,更能幫助個人跳脫盲點與錯誤直覺,明快地解決問題。   ▎說到機器學習,你以為考慮因素越多越好、比較複雜的模型較佳?   其實,當今電腦運算時並非套用死板的演繹邏輯,點滴不漏地羅列所有選擇,琢磨出正確答案。它們會捨棄不必要的資料,偏向選擇較簡單的解答,權衡誤差或延遲的代價,接著冒險一試。   ▎說到電腦,你認為它冰冷且毫無彈性,思考方式跟人腦南轅北轍?   事實上,我們面臨的許多挑戰,跟電腦科學家一樣都源於:要運用有限的空間、時間和注意力,因應未知事物和不完整的資訊,因此電腦解決問題的方式,能在極大程度上與人們的作法融合。   《決斷的演算》各章以常見的日常問題開場,從釐清它們的演算結構著手,以問題所屬類型為骨架(副章名),紮實的電腦科學發展史為血肉(章名),探討一代代的研究者為這類問題找出什麼解決方案,這些收穫顛覆了我們對於「合理」的看法,不僅幫助其他領域獲得新進展,也為個人生活帶來實用啟示,像是:   ❖證明「所有雙人賽局至少有一個均衡狀態」的奈許均衡,讓約翰.奈許拿下了諾貝爾經濟獎,但它的地位可能言過其實。為什麼?(賽局理論)   ❖自動駕駛汽車能改善交通阻塞,打造交通天堂?你可能要失望了。現在自私駕駛人各行其是的情形其實已接近最佳狀態。(演算法賽局理論,自主行為代價)   ❖棉花糖實驗證明了意志力對日後的成就有深遠影響?事情沒這麼簡單。抵擋得住誘惑的另一個關鍵可能是「期望」……(貝氏法則)   ❖以現代投資組合理論榮獲諾貝爾經濟獎的馬可維茲,居然把自己的退休金平均投資在債券和股票上!這未免太不聰明了?未必。(過度配適)   ❖歐巴馬競選總統時,他的新媒體分析團隊靠什麼方法設計與經營網站,幫他多募得五千七百萬美元?(開發與善用)   ❖安排球季賽程真麻煩!怎麼樣既符合聯盟基本結構產生的規定,又顧及聯盟和轉播電視台的特殊考量和限制?(鬆弛)   ❖2010年5月6日,美國股市發生閃電崩盤,短短幾分鐘內有幾家公司股價飆漲、另幾家則直線崩跌,這是怎麼回事?(賽局理論,資訊瀑布)   ❖一般認為年老健忘是認知衰退,但電腦科學家判斷,那是整理、取捨越來越多記憶的必然結果——人的腦袋可靈光了!(快取)   ❖你打算在十八歲到四十歲期間覓得人生伴侶,那麼幾歲時選定的對象可能最好?答案是二十六歲。(最佳停止點,37%法則)   ❖紙本資料用完隨手往旁邊疊,既沒條理又沒效率?不,根據演算法原理,這是目前已知最精良、效率最佳的資料結構。(快取)   ❖什麼情況下,隨便挑一封電子郵件回覆,會好過先回覆最重要的郵件?(排程,往復移動)   ❖為什麼玩吃角子老虎時,贏錢繼續玩同一台是好策略,但是輸錢就換一台則太過輕率?(開發與善用)……………   電腦科學還能協助我們清楚劃分哪些問題有明確解答、哪些則無,從而選擇自己要面對什麼,以及要讓其他人面對什麼——這種「運算的善意」可以改變人們的認知問題類型,減輕認知負擔,增進互動的效率。      ▎本書用法:   這本書既適合一般讀者,也適合教學使用,版面設計兼顧兩者需求,使用方法詳見書中建議。各章內容提示詳見〈目錄〉的引文。 專業推薦   ▎陳昇瑋/台灣人工智慧學校執行長   ▎洪士灝/台灣大學資訊工程系教授   ▎賴以威/數感實驗室共同創辦人   ▎林錦宏/高醫大心理系助理教授   ▎鄭國威/泛科知識公司知識長   ▎黃貞祥/清華大學生命科學系助理教授   ▎雷浩斯/專職投資人及投資講師   ▎冏星人/說書節目製作人暨作家   ▎(「得到」App萬維鋼老師書評介紹《指導生活的算法》...
Cover of Problem Solving

Problem Solving

Perspectives from Cognition and Neuroscience

by S. Ian Robertson
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2016

The way that we assess and overcome problems is an essential part of everyday life. Problem Solving provides a clear introduction to the underlying mental processes involved in solving problems. Drawing on research from cognitive psychology and neuroscience, it examines the methods and techniques...
Cover of Cerco socio per la mia Startup. I 9 test per capire se hai trovato la persona giusta con cui fare impresa.
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 2, 2016

Cercare un socio con cui condividere un percorso imprenditoriale rappresenta una delle situazioni più delicate che un imprenditore possa affrontare. La scelta della giusta compagine sociale può fare la differenza tra il successo o il fallimento di un'azienda. Questo ebook spiega in che modo cercare...
Cover of Evaluation Foundations Revisited

Evaluation Foundations Revisited

Cultivating a Life of the Mind for Practice

by Thomas Schwandt
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2015

Evaluation examines policies and programs across every arena of human endeavor, from efforts to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS to programs that drive national science policy. Relying on a vast array of methods, from qualitative interviewing to econometrics, it is a "transdiscipline," as opposed...
Cover of Studies of Thinking

Studies of Thinking

Selected works of Kenneth Gilhooly

by Kenneth J. Gilhooly
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2015

In the World Library of Psychologists series, international experts themselves present career-long collections of what they judge to be their finest pieces - extracts from books, key articles, salient research findings, and their major practical theoretical contributions. Kenneth Gilhooly has...
Cover of Facilitating Genius: Illuminating Brilliance in Your Organization
by John Lesko
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2015

Facilitating Genius: Illuminating Brilliance in Your Organization is a practical guide for leaders, executives, facilitators, and coaches on the art and science of creative problem-solving. This book is the product of 10+ years of research and the lessons learned from providing professional services...
Cover of Rise A Knight
by Sir Michael Douglas Carlin
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2014

Rise a Knight is a philosophical exploration of the urgent need for humanitarianism. A collection of personal stories, essays and speeches by Sir Michael Douglas Carlin, an knighted member of the Knights of Malta and established humanitarian, Rise A Knight works to inspire others to do selfless and...
Cover of Speak Out

Speak Out

Public Speaking In A Nutshell

by P. Fit
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2018

This is a book on the basics of public speaking. We all fear speaking out in the public, this guide will help you with some of your hold backs. Give it a try. Speal Out!
Cover of Quality Improvement Through Planned Experimentation 3/E
by Ronald Moen, Thomas W Nolan, Lloyd P Provost
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2012

The latest experimental design techniques for quality improvement "The methods taught in this book are a major contribution to statistical methods as an aid to engineers, as well as to those in industry, education, or government who are trying to understand the meaning of fi gures derived from...
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