Communism category: 1567 books

Cover of Transplanting Commercial Law Reform

Transplanting Commercial Law Reform

Developing a 'Rule of Law' in Vietnam

by John Gillespie
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2017

The first sustained analysis examining legal transplantation into East Asia, this volume examines the prospects for transplanting a 'rule of law' that will attract and sustain international trade and investment in this economically dynamic region. The book develops both a general model that explains...
Cover of Marxist Theories of Imperialism
by Murray Noonan
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2017

For Marxists, imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism. Critical analysis of imperialism has been a feature of Marxist throughout the twentieth century. The conceptualising and theorising of imperialism by Marxists has evolved over time in response to developments in the global capitalist economy...
Cover of Frontiers of World Socialism Studies- Vol.I

Frontiers of World Socialism Studies- Vol.I

Yellow Book of World Socialism - Year 2013

Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2016

The “Yellow Book” is the annual fruit of research conducted by the World Socialism Research Center attached to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, which is a selection of cutting-edge and representative research articles dealing with the issues of world socialism and the world socialist movement...
Cover of Before the Nation

Before the Nation

Kokugaku and the Imagining of Community in Early Modern Japan

by Rey Chow, Harry Harootunian, Masao Miyoshi
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2003

Exploring the emergence and evolution of theories of nationhood that continue to be evoked in present-day Japan, Susan L. Burns provides a close examination ofthe late-eighteenth-century intellectual movement kokugaku, which means "the study of our country.” Departing from earlier studies of...
Cover of Karsner, Traubel, Debs and Trouble
by David Karsner, Eugene V. Debs, Ruth Le Prade
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2012

This ebook is about the subject of socialism in America and, especially, the American Socialist Party.  It includes the work of David Karsner, a leading socialist.  It also includes some works of Eugene V. Debs, perhaps the best-known of the nineteenth and early twentieth century socialists...
Cover of Subversive Lives

Subversive Lives

A Family Memoir of the Marcos Years

by Susan F. Quimpo, Nathan Gilbert Quimpo
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2016

From the 1960s to the 1990s, seven members of the Quimpo family dedicated themselves to the anti-Marcos resistance in the Philippines, sometimes at profound personal cost. In this unprecedented memoir, eight siblings (plus one by marriage) tell their remarkable stories in individually authored chapters...
Cover of Walt Whitman and British Socialism

Walt Whitman and British Socialism

‘The Love of Comrades’

by Kirsten Harris
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2016

This is the first sustained examination of Walt Whitman’s influence on British socialism. Harris combines a contextual historical study of Whitman’s reception with focused close readings of a variety of poems, books, articles, letters and speeches. She calls attention to Whitman’s own demand...
Cover of The Dictator's Dilemma

The Dictator's Dilemma

The Chinese Communist Party's Strategy for Survival

by Bruce Dickson
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2016

Many observers predicted the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party following the Tiananmen Square crackdown in 1989, and again following the serial collapse of communist regimes behind the Iron Curtain. Their prediction, however, never proved true. Despite minor setbacks, China has experienced explosive...
Cover of The Chinese Communist Party in Reform
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2006

Contrary to the expectations of many people, China's recent economic growth has not led to the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party. In fact, the Party has recently carried out a peaceful and orderly transition to the so-called fourth generation of leadership, has revitalised itself, and created...
Cover of The Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution

A View from the Third World

by Walter Rodney
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2018

Renowned Pan-African and socialist theorist on the Bolshevik Revolution and its post-colonial legacy In his short life, Guyanese intellectual Walter Rodney emerged as one of the foremost thinkers and activists of the anticolonial revolution, leading movements in North America, Africa, and the...
Cover of Scorched Earth

Scorched Earth

Stalin's Reign of Terror

by Jörg Baberowski
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2016

German scholar Jörg Baberowski is one of the world’s leading experts on the Stalin era, but his work has seldom been translated into English. This book, an unremitting indictment of the mad violence with which Stalin ruled the Soviet Union, depicts Stalinism as a cruel and deliberate attack on Russian...
Cover of Foucault's Analysis of Modern Governmentality

Foucault's Analysis of Modern Governmentality

A Critique of Political Reason

by Thomas Lemke
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2019

Tracking the development of Foucault's key concepts Lemke offers the most comprehensive and systematic account of Michel Foucault's work on power and government from 1970 until his death in 1984. He convincingly argues, using material that has only partly been translated into English, that...
Cover of Alles voor het moederland

Alles voor het moederland

de Stalinterreur ten tijde van Isaak Babel en Vasili Grossman

by Michel Krielaars
Language: Dutch
Release Date: May 12, 2017

Aan de hand van de bewogen levens van de grote Russisch-Joodse schrijvers Isaak Babel en Vasili Grossman schetst Michel Krielaars in ‘Alles voor het moederland’ een beeld van een meedogenloze wereld, waarin het vermoorden van onschuldige burgers een gewone zaak was en het individu kapot werd gemaakt....
Cover of 主宰中國的太子黨


Les fils de princes: Une génération au pouvoir en Chine

by 杜明(Jean-Luc Domenach)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 3, 2018

官僚特權一直是中國的基本問題 普通人各有各的平凡,而天下的特權階層都是相似的:靠爸靠母、靠出身。 你以為這些三天兩頭撞爛超跑的王子、公主只是天生命好, 殊不知他們是承繼先人權力的特權血脈。 1912年末代皇帝溥儀宣布退位後,中國不再有皇帝,然而卻有另一個新興貴族階層依附著中國共產黨壯大起來,直至今日仍居要位。 要了解這個權貴階層是怎麼形成的?為什麼到了今天還盤據在中國經濟、政治的山巔?我們要回頭看看國共內戰時期。肅清共產黨的措施和戰時的紛亂,讓許多共產黨員為保護子女安危,將他們送至蘇聯或託付給親戚、朋友。 這批離開父母、受盡磨難的孩子們,便是赤色王朝的第一代接班人。他們是延續權力的血脈,也是未來太子黨的雛形。後來,黨日趨重視這些革命要員與先烈的後人,這些紅二代、三代享有教育、事業上的優勢,如此一來當他們的父母凋萎,其手握的要權便有了移轉的對象。 這些承繼前代權勢的太子黨成員,挾優於一般老百姓的教育環境、經濟條件、政治威權,逐漸發展成新中國的新貴族階層。他們擔任各機關要員、血脈遍布政商界,是煽動文化大革命的重要推力,也是長期殘酷政爭角鬥場上的熟面孔,發展至今,甚至出現了一批習慣坐擁財富的人,以炫富的形象為世人周知。 在傳統帝制終結的現在,中國儼然有另一套父母之業子女承的世襲系統,有另一種以黨為中心的「帝制」在延續著掌權家族的命脈。無論是太子黨、官二代、富二代,甚至是皇二代,他們的高低優劣皆需看出身、看政治血統、看前一代人掌握了多少權力,而正是這些赤色王朝成員,統馭現今的中國。 ※...
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