Business Ethics category: 2278 books

Cover of Bribery and Corruption in Weak Institutional Environments

Bribery and Corruption in Weak Institutional Environments

Connecting the Dots from a Comparative Perspective

by Shaomin Li
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2019

Drawing on twenty years of research and observations, Li explains how bribery and corruption are carried out in countries with weak institutional environments, and how these activities become globalized. By distinguishing rule-based, relation-based and clan-based governance, this book offers a novel...
Cover of Il lavoro nell'organizzazione aziendale

Il lavoro nell'organizzazione aziendale

tra comportamento etico e complessità del sistema economico

by Luigi Adamuccio
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 20, 2015

Siamo dentro un lungo periodo di transizione e di cambio di paradigma, iniziato ben prima della crisi economico-finanziaria del 2007 e destinato a durare ancora per qualche anno. Tra le visioni lungimiranti e le esperienze “atipiche” di alcuni manager e le spinte del mercato verso un miope efficientismo...
Cover of La blessure de la rencontre

La blessure de la rencontre

L'économie au risque de la relation

by Luigino Bruni, Pierre-Yves Gomez
Language: French
Release Date: February 15, 2018

Comment réhumaniser notre économie capitaliste ? L’économie moderne, au moyen des contrats et du marché, évacue les relations personnelles directes. En garantissant une sécurité maximale, elle évite le contact avec les autres, qui est toujours source de blessures. Mais elle élimine...
Cover of L'économie silencieuse

L'économie silencieuse

Un appel à l'unité

by Anouk Grevin, Luigino Bruni
Language: French
Release Date: February 15, 2018

Comment revitaliser nos relations et nos projets ? Le XXIe siècle vit un changement de rythme. L’invention d’Internet, la mondialisation des marchés et de la finance, celle des réseaux sociaux, ont imposé une mutation profonde dans les relations, jusqu’au sein de l’économie et...
Cover of Designing the Purposeful World

Designing the Purposeful World

The Sustainable Development Goals as a Blueprint for Humanity

by Clive Wilson
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2018

In September 2015, at the United Nations, world leaders agreed on seventeen Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. This book extrapolates the SDGs into the idea of a purposeful world. In this context, the purpose for humanity is to thrive sustainably alongside other life forms and to consciously celebrate...
Cover of Leadership Attributes for Women and Men: Leading Community in Disruptive Times
by vicky mcgahey
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2017

Want to improve your ability to lead? Unlock your potential and transform the world. Interested in stepping up as a leader in your organization? Do you want to break free from your follower mentality? Dr. Vicky McGahey is here to show you how. With 25 years of leadership experience,...
Cover of Thank God it's Monday!

Thank God it's Monday!

Design Thinking – Wie wir die Arbeitswelt revolutionieren

by Dark Horse Innovation
Language: German
Release Date: September 12, 2014

Jeder träumt von Arbeit, die Spaß macht und sinnvoll ist. Dark Horse Innovation weiß, wie es geht: In der von 30 Vertretern der Generation Y gegründeten Berliner Agentur für Innovationsentwicklung gibt es Ideen-Sprints statt Meeting-Marathons, gemeinsame Entscheidungen ohne Chef und einen Preis...
Cover of Corporate Social Responsibility in der Fast-Food-Branche am Beispiel von McDonald's
by Stephan Wisniewski
Language: German
Release Date: November 27, 2014

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensethik, Wirtschaftsethik, Note: 1,9, Cologne Business School Köln, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Fast Food Industrie befindet sich im Wandel. Immer mehr Bio-Fast Food Restaurants öffnen ihre Pforten und erfreuen sich besonders in...
Cover of Mittelstand ist eine Haltung

Mittelstand ist eine Haltung

Die stillen Treiber der deutschen Wirtschaft

by Heiner Kübler, Carl A. Siebel
Language: German
Release Date: September 22, 2016

Auch wenn die deutsche Wirtschaftspolitik sich häufig zu Unrecht an den DAX-Konzernen orientiert: Eigentlicher Wachstumsmotor, europäischer Patentmeister, größter Arbeitgeber und Rückgrat der deutschen Wirtschaft ist der Mittelstand. Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften ist im Mittelstand keine Managementmode,...
Cover of Le Cooperative di Produzione e lavoro fino al 1990

Le Cooperative di Produzione e lavoro fino al 1990

Agevolazioni ed esenzioni tributarie

by Angela Silvestri
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 29, 2017

Trattasi di uno studio, terminato nel 1990, sulle Cooperative di Produzione e lavoro, considerate essenzialmente alla luce delle agevolazioni ed esenzioni tributarie dell'epoca. Molto utile per approfondire il tema anche sotto il profilo storico.
Cover of The Components of Sustainable Development

The Components of Sustainable Development

Engagement and Partnership

Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2019

This book focuses on the application of sustainable development principles through consultation with, and partnerships between commerce and the community. Offering international perspectives, the authors show that the issues are global and that we can best arrive at solutions through a synthesis of...
Cover of Etica dell'Eccellenza

Etica dell'Eccellenza

I valori che determinano il tuo successo

by Paolo A. Ruggeri
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 12, 2014

“L’etica dell’eccellenza è una vera e propria tecnologia che permette a un individuo di raggiungere e mantenere nel tempo prestazioni elevate. Poggia su alcune basi molto solide che sono principi e verità fondamentali ormai parte del comune sentire del vivere” L’Etica dell’Eccellenza...
Cover of Führungsethik im Wandel. Wie das Personalmanagement auf generationenspezifische Ansprüche reagieren kann
by Sebastian Nagl
Language: German
Release Date: March 2, 2016

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensethik, Wirtschaftsethik, Note: 2,0, Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin (ADG Business School), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Jede Generation hat eigene Werte, Normen, Ansprüche und Vorstellungen. Das Verständnis einer optimalen Mitarbeiterführung...
Cover of Innovation for Sustainability

Innovation for Sustainability

Business Transformations Towards a Better World

Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2019

The aim of this edited book is to provide a comprehensive overview of the opportunities and challenges related to innovation for sustainability. Combining work from both emerging and established scholars in different academic fields, this book provides an integrated understanding of the topic from...
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