Applied Psychology category: 2264 books

Cover of Lavorare con le emozioni nell'approccio costruttivista
by Giorgio Franco Augusto Rezzonico, De Marco Ivan
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 17, 2012

La psicoterapia cognitiva di orientamento costruttivista mette le emozioni al centro sia della elaborazione epistemica sia della pratica clinica. Nei confronti del primo cognitivismo e di quello razionalista successivo, focalizzati sui modelli di funzionamento della mente, si tratta di un passo in...
Cover of Vincere i disagi

Vincere i disagi

Come affrontare ansia, stress e panico

by Raffaele Morelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 17, 2014

Ansia, attacchi di panico, depressione e stress sono in costante aumento nel mondo occidentale. Le cause e le modalità con cui si presentano variano da persona a persona, ma esiste un filo conduttore che lega tra loro tutti questi disturbi. Alla base c'è sempre un'esistenza compressa, un talento...
Cover of The Power of Self-Esteem

The Power of Self-Esteem

Build Self-Esteem In 3 Simple Moves

by Christian Semlitsch
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2018

Be prepared to the upcoming changes in society, culture, and economics. This upcoming third industrialization period, the change to renewable energy and the doom of the fossil energy driven industry will demand a new behavior and Self-Esteem of you! This book is not a theoretical abstract but a practical...
Cover of Dirty Marketing

Dirty Marketing

Quando tutto è una menzogna, solo la realtà può salvarti

by Emmanuele Macaluso
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 6, 2014

“Le nostre scelte e i nostri acquisti potrebbero non essere davvero nostri” Cosa ci spinge a fare un acquisto? È davvero una nostra libera scelta, o qualcuno ci stimola e noi rispondiamo? Quando entriamo in un supermercato, decidiamo noi dove spingere il carrello? E se la nostra...
Cover of Clima organizzativo e gestione delle risorse umane. Unire persone e performance
by Laura Innocenti
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 5, 2013

Il libro si rivolge a studenti dei cicli triennali e magistrali in discipline economico/organizzative e di psicologia e sociologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni. Gli argomenti trattati offrono interessanti spunti per la riflessione e la pratica di consulenti e professional che operano nel campo dello Human Resource Management.
Cover of Cura e formazione. Le organizzazioni che curano
by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 19, 2012

Uno strumento di riflessione e immaginazione per chi fa formazione nel settore pubblico o in ambito aziendale. Raccoglie contributi sul concetto di cura ispirati da saperi ed esperienze diverse: dalla filosofia alla psicoanalisi contemporanee e, in particolare, la psicosocioanalisi.
Cover of Attachment Theory

Attachment Theory

Social, Developmental, and Clinical Perspectives

Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2013

At a historic conference in Toronto in October 1993, developmental researchers and clinicians came together for the first time to explore the implications of current knowledge of attachment. This volume is the outcome of their labors. It offers innovative approaches to the understanding of such diverse...
Cover of How More Happiness & Satisfaction Come Into Your Life
by Natalie Jonasson
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2018

"About the book" How More Happiness & Satisfaction Come Into Your Life: Here, Now And Forever! This book is aimed at people who no longer place their happiness in the hands of others, but want to achieve this goal out of their own motivation. Don't postpone your happy life until tomorrow,...
Cover of The Forensic Psychologist's Report Writing Guide
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2017

The Forensic Psychologist’s Reporting Writing Guide is the first book to provide both student trainees and practitioners with best practice guidance for one of the core skills of their role. Written and edited by an international range of experts from the UK, North America and Australasia,...
Cover of Help Your Mind to Change
by Rosa Ucci
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2014

I cambiamenti socioculturali rapidi e cospicui hanno sempre un forte impatto nella vita umana ed una ingluenza significativa sulla salute mentale... Il sistema culturale introiettato nei primi anni di vita tende a non modificarsi. E' il nucleo centrale della psicologia L'autrice tiene una serie di...
Cover of In Pursuit of Success and Happiness
by Dr Darryl Cross
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2012

It's the question asked by so many. How can I find happiness? How can I make my life more purposeful? How can I be successful? What do I need to do to get ahead? How can I make it? The answers to these questions are individual for each of us, but the good news is that the principles for gaining happiness...
Cover of Obama on the Couch

Obama on the Couch

Inside the Mind of the President

by Dr. Justin A. Frank, M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2011

Even though he’s three years into his term as President, many Americans feel like they don’t know the “real” Barack Obama. From the idealistic campaigner who seemed to share our dreams, and who promised to fulfill our lofty expectations, to pragmatic politician who has repeatedly compromised...
Cover of Resilienz


Das Geheimnis der psychischen Widerstandskraft Was uns stark macht gegen Stress, Depressionen und Burn-out

by Christina Berndt
Language: German
Release Date: January 23, 2015

Krisen in Chancen verwandeln Das Leben ist hart geworden im 21. Jahrhundert. Der Leistungsdruck ist groß, nicht nur im Arbeitsalltag, sondern auch im Beziehungsleben. Wie gut wäre es also, so etwas wie Hornhaut auf der Seele zu haben! Eine Lebenseinstellung, die den Blick zuversichtlich nach...
Cover of In Doubt
by Dan Simon
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2012

Criminal justice is unavoidably human. Detectives, witnesses, suspects, and victims shape investigations; prosecutors, defense attorneys, jurors, and judges affect the outcome of adjudication. Simon shows how flawed investigations produce erroneous evidence and why well-meaning juries send innocent people to prison and set the guilty free.
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