Surveys category: 1940 books

Cover of The Cambridge Companion to Sartre
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 1992

This is one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date surveys of the philosophy of Sartre, by some of the foremost interpreters in the United States and Europe. The essays are both expository and original, and cover Sartre's writings on ontology, phenomenology, psychology, ethics, and aesthetics, as...
Cover of Nietzsche's The Gay Science

Nietzsche's The Gay Science

An Introduction

by Michael Ure
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2019

Nietzsche's The Gay Science (1882/1887) is a deeply personal book, yet also an important work of philosophy. Nietzsche conceives it as a philosophical autobiography, a record of his own self-transformation. In beautifully composed aphorisms he communicates his central experience of overcoming pessimism...
Cover of The Metaphysics of Henry More
by Jasper Reid
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2012

The book surveys the key metaphysical contributions of the Cambridge Platonist, Henry More (1614–1687). It deals with such interwoven topics as: the natures of body and spirit, and the question of whether or not there is a sharp ontological division between them; the nature of spatial extension...
Cover of A History of Women's Political Thought in Europe, 1400–1700
by Jacqueline Broad, Karen Green
Language: English
Release Date: January 22, 2009

This ground-breaking book surveys the history of women's political thought in Europe from the late medieval period to the early modern era. The authors examine women's ideas about topics such as the basis of political authority, the best form of political organisation, justifications of obedience...
Cover of The History of Philosophy
by A. C. Grayling
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2019

The first authoritative and accessible single-volume history of philosophy to cover both Western and Eastern traditions, from one of the world's most eminent thinkers The story of philosophy is the story of who we are and why. An epic tale, spanning civilizations and continents, it explores...
Cover of The Cambridge Companion to Rousseau
by Patrick Riley
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2001

Universally regarded as the greatest French political theorist and philosopher of education of the Enlightenment, and probably the greatest French social theorist tout court, Rousseau was an important forerunner of the French Revolution, though his thought was too nuanced and subtle ever to serve...
Cover of Puritanism and Emotion in the Early Modern World
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2016

Puritanism has a reputation for being emotionally dry, but seventeenth-century Puritans did not only have rich and complex emotional lives, they also found meaning in and drew spiritual strength from emotion. From theology to lived experience and from joy to affliction, this volume surveys the wealth and depth of the Puritans' passions.
Cover of Story of Philosophy
by Will Durant
Language: English
Release Date: July 24, 2012

A brilliant and concise account of the lives and ideas of the great philosophers—Plato, Aristotle, Bacon, Spinoza, Voltaire, Kant, Schopenhauer, Spencer, Nietzsche, Bergson, Croce, Russell, Santayana, James, and Dewey—The Story of Philosophy is one of the great books of our time. Few write for...
Cover of Meetings with Remarkable Men
by G. I. Gurdjieff
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 1991

Meetings with Remarkable Men, G. I. Gurdjieff’s autobiographical account of his youth and early travels, has become something of a legend since it was first published in 1963. A compulsive “read” in the tradition of adventure narratives, but suffused with Gurdjieff’s unique perspective on...
Cover of Nietzsche


Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist

by Walter A. Kaufmann
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2013

This classic is the benchmark against which all modern books about Nietzsche are measured. When Walter Kaufmann wrote it in the immediate aftermath of World War II, most scholars outside Germany viewed Nietzsche as part madman, part proto-Nazi, and almost wholly unphilosophical. Kaufmann rehabilitated...
Cover of The Book of Dead Philosophers
by Simon Critchley
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2009

In this collection of brief lives (and deaths) of nearly two hundred of the world's greatest thinkers, noted philosopher Simon Critchley creates a register of mortality that is tragic, amusing, absurd, and exemplary. From the self-mocking haikus of Zen masters on their deathbeds to the last words...
Cover of 萊茵河哲學咖啡館:康德、黑格爾、馬克思、韋伯、海德格、高達美、鄂蘭……的心靈地圖
by 蔡慶樺
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 30, 2019

那些對話、往來、抗衡、離亂,留下了許多非常不一樣的思想風景,影響了那時代許多哲學家的一生,以及現在的我們…… 在德國萊茵河畔的哲學咖啡館,評論作家蔡慶樺為我們推開哲學世界的大門,思考康德、黑格爾、馬克思、韋伯、海德格、高達美、鄂蘭…… 馬克思如何以「不在場博士」方式取得學位?又為何說《資本論》是「那個狗屎」? 康德是流浪博士始祖?每天傍晚都和友人聚會對談…… 費希特大學都沒讀完,後來卻成為王牌教授! 黑格爾、謝林、荷爾德林這三位室友,最後都拋下神學,追求個人志趣去了…… 海德格迷戀鄉村、看似沉靜,卻與學生鄂蘭有一段不平等的感情! 高達美晚年仍好學不倦,週週去旁聽後進教授的冷門課…… 哲學時常予人高不可攀之感,尤其德國哲人們,更有玄奧的「美名」,作者蔡慶樺專研歐陸思想(尤其當代德國思想),在德文世界中考掘,推開了世界的界限。他常在臉書、天下獨立評論、香港01哲學等網路發表歐陸哲學家、文人的思想精華,以及社會觀察。《萊茵河哲學咖啡館》即是他閒暇時遍讀群書的創作。 蔡慶樺對思想家、文人的生活和人際脈絡,以及其間的故事、趣事,也非常感興趣,因為生活日常與思想的蘊釀、創作的歷程,環環相扣,更能讓人明白大時代背景與趨勢下的文化發展。華格納、馬克思、費希特、黑格爾、高達美、海德格、鄂蘭……與他們的作品,在他輕鬆的隨筆描摩下,個個都充滿對生命的熱情。透過將思想家的影像立體化,讀者們更能感受到他所見學的理論的生命力,以及德國思想裡最迷人的東西。 本書特色:鑽研到底,哲學終究還是得從自己說起 康德選擇不離開柯尼斯堡,也許是因為他的學究脾氣。他極不喜歡變動,要求一切都按照自己的節奏進行。 費希特幾乎一字不差地複述出牧師講道內容,讓父親雇主驚訝於其聰穎,便送他去上學,使他得以脫離一般農村小孩的命運。 黑格爾臨終前在病床上說:「只有一個人理解我。」然而說完這句話後,他又惱怒地接著說:「不,他也不理解我。」 韋伯問有志於進入大學教書的年輕學者:「你真的相信,你能夠年復一年看著平庸之輩一個接一個爬到比你高的位置,而既不憤恨又無挫折感嗎?」 海德格一生都迷戀著鄉間,拒絕了柏林大學的職務,寧願選擇留在黑森林的邊境城市。可是這樣的人卻一直有些激動的質素,擾動著別人、自己也從不安靜下來。 人們會說,就算我插手也改變不了什麼。但是鄂蘭認為,即使改變不了什麼,也不表示我們可以認為那與我們無關;我們有這樣的義務──你必須走向那個施加惡行者,問他:「我看到了這一切,請告訴我,為什麼必須做這些事?」 ■作者簡介 作者:蔡慶樺 高雄出生,苗栗、臺南長大,後移居臺東,曾在政大外交學系、政治學系及德國魯爾波鴻大學哲學研究所求學,曾獲政大補助研究生赴國外短期研究、國科會/德國學術交流總署博士生赴德研究進修、國科會獎勵人文與社會科學領域博士候選人撰寫博士論文等學術獎助,以研究哲學家海德格(Martin...
Cover of The Best of All Possible Worlds

The Best of All Possible Worlds

A Story of Philosophers, God, and Evil

by Steven Nadler
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2008

In the spring of 1672, the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz arrived in Paris on a furtive diplomatic mission. That project was abandoned quickly, but Leibniz remained in Paris with a singular goal: to get the most out of the city's intellectual and cultural riches. He...
Cover of Philosophical Temperaments

Philosophical Temperaments

From Plato to Foucault

by Peter Sloterdijk
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2013

Peter Sloterdijk turns his keen eye to the history of western thought, conducting colorful readings of the lives and ideas of the world's most influential intellectuals. Featuring nineteen vignettes rich in personal characterizations and theoretical analysis, Sloterdijk's companionable volume casts...
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