Blue dream is the story of a Helicopter Paramedic who, through a series of strange events and a transformation, becomes leader of a rebellion against a future Dictator of the World. The hero, Jim Clarus, becomes disillusioned with the medical establishment after a particularly bad call. After the incident he is ready for a change of life. He decides to take a trip around the world in a sailboat with his girlfriend, Liza. He can’t afford the boat he wants so he takes on a dangerous job that involves medical experimentation. The villain, Boss Nillious, is who funded the experiment. With the power of the Empire at his control, Boss finds Jim on his island hideout. Jim’s friend Hiro, a brilliant scientist, has developed a powerful blue energy that will help battle Bosses army. As Boss tries to storm the island with his Naval troops, the islanders rally together to defend Jim and their ancestral home. Boss has one last trick up his sleeve, but will it enough to defeat Jim?
Blue dream is the story of a Helicopter Paramedic who, through a series of strange events and a transformation, becomes leader of a rebellion against a future Dictator of the World. The hero, Jim Clarus, becomes disillusioned with the medical establishment after a particularly bad call. After the incident he is ready for a change of life. He decides to take a trip around the world in a sailboat with his girlfriend, Liza. He can’t afford the boat he wants so he takes on a dangerous job that involves medical experimentation. The villain, Boss Nillious, is who funded the experiment. With the power of the Empire at his control, Boss finds Jim on his island hideout. Jim’s friend Hiro, a brilliant scientist, has developed a powerful blue energy that will help battle Bosses army. As Boss tries to storm the island with his Naval troops, the islanders rally together to defend Jim and their ancestral home. Boss has one last trick up his sleeve, but will it enough to defeat Jim?