I was lying in the middle of a great open grass area. I wasn't sure, but in the distance was what looked to be a playground. It reminded me of the night I’d got drunk at the party my best friend Emma had taken me to and somehow got knocked out. But I couldn’t be there. When mum found out she freaked and made me leave my beloved Queensland to live in Massacro. Then what was I doing laying here? It had to be a dream . . . but it seemed so real. I could feel the cold wind blowing softly at the back of my neck, making my hair swirl around my face. I could smell the mist drifting above the damp grass. And I could feel my head hammering violently due to my drunken state and the knock I got to my head thanks to a drunken boy fight. My vision was hazy due to the sleep in my eyes, not to mention the fact that it was pitch black and my eyes hadn't adjusted to the lack of light yet. But there in the distance, I was sure I could see someone standing there. I couldn’t see who it was but I could see the outline of a human body.
I was lying in the middle of a great open grass area. I wasn't sure, but in the distance was what looked to be a playground. It reminded me of the night I’d got drunk at the party my best friend Emma had taken me to and somehow got knocked out. But I couldn’t be there. When mum found out she freaked and made me leave my beloved Queensland to live in Massacro. Then what was I doing laying here? It had to be a dream . . . but it seemed so real. I could feel the cold wind blowing softly at the back of my neck, making my hair swirl around my face. I could smell the mist drifting above the damp grass. And I could feel my head hammering violently due to my drunken state and the knock I got to my head thanks to a drunken boy fight. My vision was hazy due to the sleep in my eyes, not to mention the fact that it was pitch black and my eyes hadn't adjusted to the lack of light yet. But there in the distance, I was sure I could see someone standing there. I couldn’t see who it was but I could see the outline of a human body.