What’s happening in our entrepreneurial world brings me deep sadness because I know that there is a better way. My team developed and launched a new dynamic system within companies that are now experiencing much greater success than they had previously. The only thing that stands between us and building a better system, where education and businesses are thriving better, is our unwillingness to let go of outworn competitive, hierarchical systems. The old hierarchical paradigm is narrowly based on a dog-eat-dog alpha survival leading to inefficiency, exclusion and loss of profit. The new cooperative paradigm is one of sustainable values, synergy and inclusion leading to greater success and profit. The countries and companies who have switched to the new paradigm are thriving. I believe that as we embrace new cooperative systems as individuals and organizations, the suffering will end and we will bring a new renaissance of growth, progress and profit. I know because this system has taken a company from ten million to a billion in revenue in just ten years. Economic and political tsunamis are happening worldwide. It’s undeniable. Look at what’s happening on Wall Street right now, with Congress’ handling of the U.S. deficit, Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac and the derivative markets, or the economic upheaval in Spain and Greece. Or take a look at the many of the Dictatorships in Africa and the Middle East, such as Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Yemen, which are crumbling because of the Arab Spring. Dictatorships keep people very immature, reactionary and powerless because they forcefully implement the hierarchical elitist system. Because these countries have never moved from a hierarchical elitist system and subsequently never provided the education and maturity needed for a true democracy, it will take a long time for them to rebuild. I have written this sequel to the original book in the hope that more people will understand the principles that lead to economic and social tsunamis and use the tools that we developed 10 years ago to help avoid or overcome them. The choice is obvious: Do we choose to Evolve our paradigms or Die? I know we can and will choose to evolve and flourish. There is hope for our world in a proven system for restructuring organizational architecture.
What’s happening in our entrepreneurial world brings me deep sadness because I know that there is a better way. My team developed and launched a new dynamic system within companies that are now experiencing much greater success than they had previously. The only thing that stands between us and building a better system, where education and businesses are thriving better, is our unwillingness to let go of outworn competitive, hierarchical systems. The old hierarchical paradigm is narrowly based on a dog-eat-dog alpha survival leading to inefficiency, exclusion and loss of profit. The new cooperative paradigm is one of sustainable values, synergy and inclusion leading to greater success and profit. The countries and companies who have switched to the new paradigm are thriving. I believe that as we embrace new cooperative systems as individuals and organizations, the suffering will end and we will bring a new renaissance of growth, progress and profit. I know because this system has taken a company from ten million to a billion in revenue in just ten years. Economic and political tsunamis are happening worldwide. It’s undeniable. Look at what’s happening on Wall Street right now, with Congress’ handling of the U.S. deficit, Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac and the derivative markets, or the economic upheaval in Spain and Greece. Or take a look at the many of the Dictatorships in Africa and the Middle East, such as Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Yemen, which are crumbling because of the Arab Spring. Dictatorships keep people very immature, reactionary and powerless because they forcefully implement the hierarchical elitist system. Because these countries have never moved from a hierarchical elitist system and subsequently never provided the education and maturity needed for a true democracy, it will take a long time for them to rebuild. I have written this sequel to the original book in the hope that more people will understand the principles that lead to economic and social tsunamis and use the tools that we developed 10 years ago to help avoid or overcome them. The choice is obvious: Do we choose to Evolve our paradigms or Die? I know we can and will choose to evolve and flourish. There is hope for our world in a proven system for restructuring organizational architecture.