After a long, difficult journey to a music festival in an English town, Maggi's song captures the heart of her audience, filling the hall with rapturous calls for an encore. Later that evening, Maggi receives an unexpected gift: a single red rose from Adam. Adam with whom she'd achieved such fame...Adam who had betrayed and abandoned her after a tragic accident three years ago. Now a world-famous superstar, Adam has returned. "Why now?" Maggi pales and trembles as she holds the rose...
After a long, difficult journey to a music festival in an English town, Maggi's song captures the heart of her audience, filling the hall with rapturous calls for an encore. Later that evening, Maggi receives an unexpected gift: a single red rose from Adam. Adam with whom she'd achieved such fame...Adam who had betrayed and abandoned her after a tragic accident three years ago. Now a world-famous superstar, Adam has returned. "Why now?" Maggi pales and trembles as she holds the rose...