I desire gratefully to acknowledge my indebtedness to many faithful, loving and able students of Venetian lore, without whose books my own presentation of Venice in the sixteenth century would have been impossible. Mr. Ruskin's name must always come first among the prophets of this City of the Sea, but among others from whom I have gathered side-lights I have found quite indispensable Mr. Horatio F. Brown's Venice; An Historical Sketch of the Republic, Venetian Studies, and Life on the Lagoons; Mr. Hare's suggestive little volume of Venice; M. Léon Galibert's Histoire de la République de Venise; and Mr. Charles Yriarte's Venice and his work studied from the State papers in the Frari, entitled La vie d'un Patricien de Venise.
I desire gratefully to acknowledge my indebtedness to many faithful, loving and able students of Venetian lore, without whose books my own presentation of Venice in the sixteenth century would have been impossible. Mr. Ruskin's name must always come first among the prophets of this City of the Sea, but among others from whom I have gathered side-lights I have found quite indispensable Mr. Horatio F. Brown's Venice; An Historical Sketch of the Republic, Venetian Studies, and Life on the Lagoons; Mr. Hare's suggestive little volume of Venice; M. Léon Galibert's Histoire de la République de Venise; and Mr. Charles Yriarte's Venice and his work studied from the State papers in the Frari, entitled La vie d'un Patricien de Venise.